Status Codes - 2022.2 English

Xilinx Standalone Library Documentation: BSP and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

For Zynq and UltraScale, the status in the xilskey_efuse_example.c file is conveyed through a UART or reboot status register in the following format: 0xYYYYZZZZ, where:

  • YYYY represents the PS eFUSE Status.
  • ZZZZ represents the PL eFUSE Status.

The table below lists the status codes.

Status Code Values Description
0x0000ZZZZ Represents PS eFUSE is successful and PL eFUSE process returned with error.
0xYYYY0000 Represents PL eFUSE is successful and PS eFUSE process returned with error.
0xFFFF0000 Represents PS eFUSE is not initiated and PL eFUSE is successful.
0x0000FFFF Represents PL eFUSE is not initiated and PS eFUSE is successful.
0xFFFFZZZZ Represents PS eFUSE is not initiated and PL eFUSE is process returned with error.
0xYYYYFFFF Represents PL eFUSE is not initiated and PS eFUSE is process returned with error.

For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, the status in the xilskey_bbramps_zynqmp_example.c, xilskey_puf_registration.c and xilskey_efuseps_zynqmp_example.c files is conveyed as 32 bit error code. Where Zero represents that no error has occurred and if the value is other than Zero, a 32 bit error code is returned.