RSA API Example Usage - 2022.2 English

Xilinx Standalone Library Documentation: BSP and Libraries Document Collection (UG643)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The following example illustrates the usage of the RSA library to encrypt data using the public key and to decrypt the data using private key.

Note: Application should take care of the padding.
static u32 SecureRsaExample(void)
        u32 Index;

        /* RSA signature decrypt with private key */
         * Initialize the Rsa driver with private key components
         * so that it's ready to use
        XSecure_RsaInitialize(&Secure_Rsa, Modulus, NULL, PrivateExp);

        if(XST_SUCCESS != XSecure_RsaPrivateDecrypt(&Secure_Rsa, Data,
                                                Size, Signature))       {
                xil_printf("Failed at RSA signature decryption\n\r");
                return XST_FAILURE;

        xil_printf("\r\n Decrypted Signature with private key\r\n ");

        for(Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) {
                xil_printf(" %02x ", Signature[Index]);
        xil_printf(" \r\n ");

        /* Verification if Data is expected */
        for(Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) {
                if (Signature[Index] != ExpectedSign[Index]) {
                        xil_printf("\r\nError at verification of RSA signature"
                                        " Decryption\n\r");
                        return XST_FAILURE;

        /* RSA signature encrypt with Public key components */

         * Initialize the Rsa driver with public key components
         * so that it's ready to use

        XSecure_RsaInitialize(&Secure_Rsa, Modulus, NULL, (u8 *)&PublicExp);

        if(XST_SUCCESS != XSecure_RsaPublicEncrypt(&Secure_Rsa, Signature,
                                                Size, EncryptSignatureOut))     {
                xil_printf("\r\nFailed at RSA signature encryption\n\r");
                return XST_FAILURE;
        xil_printf("\r\n Encrypted Signature with public key\r\n ");

        for(Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) {
                xil_printf(" %02x ", EncryptSignatureOut[Index]);

        /* Verification if Data is expected */
        for(Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) {
                if (EncryptSignatureOut[Index] != Data[Index]) {
                        xil_printf("\r\nError at verification of RSA signature"
                                        " encryption\n\r");
                        return XST_FAILURE;

        return XST_SUCCESS;
Note: Relevant examples are available in the <library-install-path>\examples folder. Where <library-install-path> is the XilSecure library installation path.