Set v++ Linker Options - 2022.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: Hardware Acceleration (XD099)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

You will instruct the v++ Kernel Linker to connect the kernel arguments to the corresponding banks. Use the sp option to map kernel ports or kernel arguments.

  • Kernel args:

      sp = <kernel_cu_name>.<kernel_arg>:<sptag>
    • <kernel_cu_name>: The compute unit (CU) based on the kernel name, followed by _ and index, starting from the value 1. For example, the computer unit name of the vadd kernel will be vadd_1

    • <kernel_arg>: The function argument of the CU. For the vadd kernel, the kernel argument can be found in the vadd.cpp file.

    • <sptag>: Represents a memory resource available on the target platform. Valid sptag names include DDR and PLRAM. In this tutorial, target DDR[0], DDR[1], and DDR[2]. You can also do ranges: <sptag>[min:max].

  1. Define the sp command options for the vadd kernel and add this to the Makefile.

    The kernel instance name will be: vadd_1. The arguments for the vadd kernel are specified in the vadd.cpp file. The kernel argument (in1, in2, and out) should be connected to DDR[0], DDR[1], and DDR[2]. Therefore, the sp options should be:

    sp = vadd_1.in1:DDR[0]
    sp = vadd_1.in2:DDR[1]
    sp = vadd_1.out:DDR[2]
    • Argument in1 accesses DDR Bank0

    • Argument in2 accesses DDR Bank1

    • Argument out accesses DDR Bank2.

    The three sp options are added in connectivity.cfg file.

  2. Config file is added into v++ linker options when we run the design with LAB=run2:

    ifneq ($(LAB),$(filter $(LAB),run1))
    VPP_LINK_OPTS := --config connectivity.cfg

    Using config files is a feature for the Vitis software platform. You can put options into different files and use --config to include them in a build.

  3. Host-code remains the same even if you change the bank connection. Below lines infer the bank connection and create buffers in appropriate bank automatically from kernel.group_id(N).

    auto bo0 = xrt::bo(device, vector_size_bytes, krnl.group_id(0));
    auto bo1 = xrt::bo(device, vector_size_bytes, krnl.group_id(1));
    auto bo_out = xrt::bo(device, vector_size_bytes, krnl.group_id(2));
  4. Complete a clean build of the design with LAB=run2.

     make clean
     make all LAB=run2

    Again, observe the messages in the Console view during the link step; a message similar to the following displays.

    ip_name: vadd
    Creating apsys_0.xml
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0] Port Specs:
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0]   kernel: vadd_1, k_port: in1, sptag: DDR[0]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0]   kernel: vadd_1, k_port: in2, sptag: DDR[1]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-0]   kernel: vadd_1, k_port: out, sptag: DDR[2]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2228] Creating mapping for argument vadd_1.in1 to DDR[0] for directive vadd_1.in1:DDR[0]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2228] Creating mapping for argument vadd_1.in2 to DDR[1] for directive vadd_1.in2:DDR[1]
    INFO: [CFGEN 83-2228] Creating mapping for argument vadd_1.out to DDR[2] for directive vadd_1.out:DDR[2]

    This confirms that the Vitis core development kit has correctly mapped the kernel arguments to the specified DDR banks from the --sp options provided.

  5. Run HW-Emulation, and verify the correctness of the design.

    make run LAB=run2

After the simulation is complete, you can see the memory connections for the kernel data transfer reported as follows.

INFO: [Vitis-EM 22] [Wall clock time: 23:15, Emulation time: 0.054906 ms] Data transfer between kernel(s) and global memory(s)
vadd_1:m_axi_gmem0-DDR[0]          RD = 0.391 KB               WR = 0.000 KB
vadd_1:m_axi_gmem1-DDR[1]          RD = 0.391 KB               WR = 0.000 KB
vadd_1:m_axi_gmem2-DDR[2]          RD = 0.000 KB               WR = 0.391 KB

You can also open the xrt.run_summary and look at the Profile Summary to examine the Kernel to Global Memory section showing data transfers.

vitis_analyzer xrt.run_summary

You will see the DDR banks assigned to each of the kernel arguments along with the traffic on each of the interfaces during HW-Emulation.

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