Running the kernel and returning results - 2022.2 English - XD099

Vitis Tutorials: Hardware Acceleration (XD099)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

For XRT managed kernels, running the kernel is a simple matter of creating a run object as shown in the code below. XRT manages the start and stop of the kernel. You simply need to wait for the results.

    //std::cout << "Execution of the kernel\n";
    //auto run = krnl(DATA_SIZE, boA, boB); //DATA_SIZE=size

However, in user-managed kernels XRT doesn’t know how the kernel is started or stopped. That is in your hands. User-managed kernels offer a significant degree of flexibility and permit creative solutions to design problems because they are not constrained to the ap_ctrl_hs or ap_ctrl_chain control protocols. There is a lot of capability, but it is up to you to manage it.

You must first setup the kernel, by writing to the registers to pass associated buffer addresses for the various kernel arguments. Then you must trigger the kernel execution by setting a register value or enabling a signal bit, followig the control protocol designed by the user and implemented by the kernel.

    std::cout << "INFO: Setting IP Data" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Setting Register \"A\" (Input Address)" << std::endl;
    ip1.write_register(A_OFFSET, buf_addr[0]);
    ip1.write_register(A_OFFSET + 4, buf_addr[0] >> 32);

    std::cout << "Setting Register \"B\" (Input Address)" << std::endl;
    ip1.write_register(B_OFFSET, buf_addr[1]);
    ip1.write_register(B_OFFSET + 4, buf_addr[1] >> 32);

    uint32_t axi_ctrl = IP_START;
    std::cout << "INFO: IP Start" << std::endl;
    //axi_ctrl = IP_START;
    ip1.write_register(USER_OFFSET, axi_ctrl);

    // Wait until the IP is DONE
    int i = 0;
    //axi_ctrl = 0;
    while (axi_ctrl != IP_IDLE) {
    //while ((axi_ctrl & IP_IDLE) != IP_IDLE) {
        axi_ctrl = ip1.read_register(USER_OFFSET);
        i = i + 1;
        std::cout << "Read Loop iteration: " << i << " and Axi Control = " << axi_ctrl << "\n";
        if (i > 100000) {
	  axi_ctrl = IP_IDLE;
          ip1.write_register(USER_OFFSET, axi_ctrl);