Running the application - 2022.2 English - XD099

Vitis Tutorials: Hardware Acceleration (XD099)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

DDR Based Run

You will start with the DDR-based application to see the result.

Compile and run the host code

make exe
./host.exe vadd.hw.run1.xclbin

The run will take around 20+ seconds as this application is running for 20 seconds and counting the total number of CU executions during this time interval. You will see an output similar below

Buffer Inputs 2 MB
Total Kernel execution in 20 seconds:40493

Data processed in 20 seconds: 4MB*total_kernel_executions:161972 MB

Data processed/sec (GBPs)= 8.0986 GBPs

Please note that the number of exact kernel executions can be varied depending on the host server capability and you may see different numbers from the above. In the sample run above it shows that each CUs are executed almost same number of times (~2700) during the 20 second time interval. The total number of CU executions is around 40K.

The host code also calculates the application throughput that depends on the number of total CU executions. As each CU processed 4MB of data the throughput of the application as calculated above is approximately 8GBPs

You will invoke the vitis_analyzer by using the .run_summary file.

vitis_analyzer vadd.hw.run1.xclbin.run_summary

In the Profile Report tab, select Profile Summary from the left panel followed by Kernel and Compute Units section. You can see all the CU and their execution numbers that you have already seen from the stdout from the host application run. The following snapshot also shows every CU’s average execution time close to 1ms.


You can also review the Host Transfer section that shows the transfer rate between Host and Global Memory. The host code is transferring 4 MB of data before every CU execution and transferring back 2 MB of data after every CU execution.


Now select the Application Timeline section from the left panel. The application timeline also shows the large data transfers initiated by the host server that supposed to keep the host server busy. As shown below hovering the mouse on one of the data transfers showing a typical DMA writes for 4MB data from the host is taking approximately 1ms.


This is also interesting to note the number of parallel requests by the host to submit the CU execution commands. For example, the above Application timeline snapshot shows 4 such parallel execution command requests (under Kernel Enqueues Row 0, Row 1, Row 2, and Row 3).

Host Memory Based Run

The host code used for the host memory-based run is host_hm.cpp. The only host code change is specifying the buffers as host memory buffers as below. The host code sets cl_mem_ext_ptr_t.flag to XCL_MEM_EXT_HOST_ONLY to denote a host memory buffer.

cl_mem_ext_ptr_t host_buffer_ext;
host_buffer_ext.flags = XCL_MEM_EXT_HOST_ONLY;
host_buffer_ext.obj = NULL;
host_buffer_ext.param = 0;

in1 = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY|CL_MEM_EXT_PTR_XILINX,bytes,&host_buffer_ext
throw_if_error(err,"failed to allocate in buffer");
in2 = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY|CL_MEM_EXT_PTR_XILINX,bytes,&host_buffer_ext
throw_if_error(err,"failed to allocate in buffer");
io = clCreateBuffer(context,CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY|CL_MEM_EXT_PTR_XILINX,bytes,&host_buffer_ext
throw_if_error(err,"failed to allocate io buffer");

Before running the host memory-based application ensure that you have preconfigured and preallocated the host memory for CU access. For this testcase setting a host memory size of 1G is sufficient.

sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbutil host_mem --enable --size 1G

Compile and run the host code

make exe LAB=run2
./host.exe vadd.hw.run2.xclbin

A sample output from the run as below

Buffer Inputs 2 MB
Total Kernel execution in 20 seconds:53625

Data processed in 20 seconds: 4MB*total_kernel_executions:214500 MB

Data processed/sec (GBPs)= 10.725 GBPs

As you can see from a sample run above the number of kernel executions has been increased in host memory setup thus increasing the throughput of the application to 10.7 GBPs

Open the vitis_analyzer using the newly generated .run_summary file.

vitis_analyzer xrt.run_summary

In the Kernel and Compute Units section you can see average CU execution times are now increased compared to the DDR-based run. Now CU takes more time as accessing the remote memory on the host machine is always slower than accessing on-chip memory on the FPGA card. However, increasing CU time is not appearing as an overall negative result as the number of CU executions is increased for each CU. In a host memory-based application, the host CPU is not performing any data transfer operation. This can free up CPU cycles which can then otherwise used to increase the overall application performance. In this example, the free CPU cycles helped in processing more CU execution requests resulting in more accomplished data processing within the same period.


Unlike DDR-based applications, you cannot see the Host Transfer section inside the Profile report. As there are no data transfers initiated by the host machine, this report is not populated.

You can review Application timeline as below


Hovering the mouse on one of the data transfers shows the type of Data transfer is Host Memory Synchronization. This signifies the data transfer is merely a cache synchronization operation from the host operation perspective. As this cache invalidate/flush is very fast it has very little overhead on the host machine. The snapshot also shows under the Kernel Enqueues section there are now a greater number of rows (ROW0 to ROW9) signifying the host is now able to submit more kernel execution requests in parallel.