RTL Module Aes - 2022.2 English - XD099

Vitis Tutorials: Hardware Acceleration (XD099)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The RTL module Aes is the core module of AES encryption/decryption module. It uses native RTL ports interface. You can find the Verilog source code in the ~/aes/rtl directory. The signal descriptions are as follows.

Name Width (bits) Direction Description
CLK 1 in Clock input
RESETn 1 in Active low reset input
DATA_INPUT 128 in Input data block for encrytion or decryption
KEY 256 in AES key for encryption or decryption, when using 128/192 bit key, aligned to MSB (complement 0s to LSB)
DATA_OUTPUT 128 out Output data block for encryption or decryption
NK 2 in AES Key length: 2'b00=128bit, 2'b01=192bit, 2'b10=256bit
NR 4 in Reserved, tie to 4'b0000 for common AES operation
START_CIPHER 1 in When given one cycle active high trigger, cipher operation is executed (encryption or decryption).
START_KEYEXP 1 in When given one cycle active high trigger, AES key expansion operation is executed.
OP_FINISH 1 out When the encryption or decryption job is in progress, OP_FINISH will keep low. OP_FINISH will keep high in idle state.
EXP_FINISH 1 output When the key expansion job is in progress, EXP_FINISH will keep low. EXP_FINISH will keep high in idle state.