Below is the block diagram of the design, which consists two RTL kernels:
ethernet_krnl_axis_x1/4: This kernel includes one single-channel or four-channel 10G ethernet sub-system IP, one AXI control slave and two or eight AXI stream data FIFO modules. The data to/from GT transciever is streamed to the AXI stream data FIFO and connected outside. The kernel use XRT ap_ctrl_hs execution model. The host program can control the ethernet IP via AXI control slave.
data_fifo_krnl: This kernel just includes two AXI stream data FIFO modules, which are connected together to form the loopback datapath to externel AXI stream ports. The kernel use XRT ap_ctrl_none
In the top level hardware topology these two or five kernels (depends on lane number) are stitched via AXI stream connection. The AXI control slave of kernel ethernet_krnl_axis_x1/4 is also connected to the platform. Necessary reset and clock signals including those for GT transceivers are connected to relevant resources provided by the platform.
Just like mentioned earlier, there is no meaningful functions from this design topology, so no host program code is provided.