Functional Categories - 2022.1 English

Vivado Design Suite 7 Series FPGA and Zynq-7000 SoC Libraries Guide (UG953)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

This section categorizes, by function, the circuit design elements for 7 series FPGAs and Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC devices described in detail later in this guide. The elements (primitives and macros) are listed in alphanumeric order under each functional category.


Design Element Description
XADC Primitive: Dual 12-Bit 1MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter

Arithmetic Functions

Design Element Description
DSP48E1 Primitive: 48-bit Multi-Functional Arithmetic Block

Clock Components

Design Element Description
BUFG Primitive: Global Clock Simple Buffer
BUFGCE Primitive: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable
BUFGCE_1 Primitive: Global Clock Buffer with Clock Enable and Output State 1
BUFGCTRL Primitive: Global Clock Control Buffer
BUFGMUX Primitive: Global Clock Mux Buffer
BUFGMUX_1 Primitive: Global Clock Mux Buffer with Output State 1
BUFGMUX_CTRL Primitive: 2-to-1 Global Clock MUX Buffer
BUFH Primitive: HROW Clock Buffer for a Single Clocking Region
BUFHCE Primitive: HROW Clock Buffer for a Single Clocking Region with Clock Enable
BUFIO Primitive: Local Clock Buffer for I/O
BUFMR Primitive: Multi-Region Clock Buffer
BUFMRCE Primitive: Multi-Region Clock Buffer with Clock Enable
BUFR Primitive: Regional Clock Buffer for I/O and Logic Resources within a Clock Region
MMCME2_ADV Primitive: Advanced Mixed Mode Clock Manager
MMCME2_BASE Primitive: Base Mixed Mode Clock Manager
PLLE2_ADV Primitive: Advanced Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
PLLE2_BASE Primitive: Base Phase Locked Loop (PLL)

Config/BSCAN Components

Design Element Description
BSCANE2 Primitive: Boundary-Scan User Instruction
CAPTUREE2 Primitive: Register Capture
DNA_PORT Primitive: Device DNA Access Port
EFUSE_USR Primitive: 32-bit non-volatile design ID
FRAME_ECCE2 Primitive: Configuration Frame Error Correction
ICAPE2 Primitive: Internal Configuration Access Port
STARTUPE2 Primitive: STARTUP Block
USR_ACCESSE2 Primitive: Configuration Data Access

I/O Components

Design Element Description
DCIRESET Primitive: Digitally Controlled Impedance Reset Component
IBUF Primitive: Input Buffer
IBUF_IBUFDISABLE Primitive: Single-ended Input Buffer with Input Disable
IBUF_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Single-ended Input Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Disable
IBUFDS Primitive: Differential Signaling Input Buffer
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT Primitive: Differential Signaling Input Buffer With Differential Output
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _IBUFDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Disable and Differential Output
IBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable, Input Disable, and Differential Output
IBUFDS_IBUFDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Path Disable
IBUFDS_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Input Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Disable
IBUFDS_GTE2 Primitive: Gigabit Transceiver Buffer
IDELAYCTRL Primitive: IDELAYE2/ODELAYE2 Tap Delay Value Control
IDELAYE2 Primitive: Input Fixed or Variable Delay Element
IN_FIFO Primitive: Input First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
IOBUF Primitive: Bi-Directional Buffer
IOBUF_DCIEN Primitive: Bi-Directional Single-ended Buffer with DCI and Input Disable.
IOBUF_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Bi-Directional Single-ended Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Path Disable
IOBUFDS Primitive: 3-State Differential Signaling I/O Buffer with Active-Low Output Enable
IOBUFDS_DCIEN Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with DCI Enable/Disable and Input Disable
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT Primitive: Differential Bi-directional Buffer with Differential Output
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT_DCIEN Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with DCI Disable, Input Disable, and Differential Output
IOBUFDS_DIFF_OUT _INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable, Input Disable, and Differential Output
IOBUFDS_INTERMDISABLE Primitive: Bi-Directional Differential Buffer with Input Termination Disable and Input Disable
ISERDESE2 Primitive: Input SERial/DESerializer with Bitslip
KEEPER Primitive: KEEPER Symbol
OBUF Primitive: Output Buffer
OBUFDS Primitive: Differential Signaling Output Buffer
OBUFT Primitive: 3-State Output Buffer with Active-Low Output Enable
OBUFTDS Primitive: 3-State Output Buffer with Differential Signaling, Active-Low Output Enable
ODELAYE2 Primitive: Output Fixed or Variable Delay Element
OSERDESE2 Primitive: Output SERial/DESerializer with bitslip
OUT_FIFO Primitive: Output First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Buffer
PULLDOWN Primitive: Resistor to GND for Input Pads, Open-Drain, and 3-State Outputs
PULLUP Primitive: Resistor to VCC for Input PADs, Open-Drain, and 3-State Outputs


Design Element Description
FIFO18E1 Primitive: 18Kb FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Block RAM Memory
FIFO36E1 Primitive: 36Kb FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Block RAM Memory
RAM128X1D Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide Dual Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM128X1S Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM256X1S Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM32M Primitive: 32-Deep by 8-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM32X1D Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Dual Port Synchronous RAM
RAM32X1S Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM32X1S_1 Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM with Negative-Edge Clock
RAM32X2S Primitive: 32-Deep by 2-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64M Primitive: 64-Deep by 4-bit Wide Multi Port Random Access Memory (Select RAM)
RAM64X1D Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Dual Port Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64X1S Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM
RAM64X1S_1 Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide Static Synchronous RAM with Negative-Edge Clock
RAMB18E1 Primitive: 18K-bit Configurable Synchronous Block RAM
RAMB36E1 Primitive: 36K-bit Configurable Synchronous Block RAM
ROM128X1 Primitive: 128-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM256X1 Primitive: 256-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM32X1 Primitive: 32-Deep by 1-Wide ROM
ROM64X1 Primitive: 64-Deep by 1-Wide ROM


Design Element Description
FDCE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Clear
FDPE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Asynchronous Preset
FDRE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Reset
FDSE Primitive: D Flip-Flop with Clock Enable and Synchronous Set
IDDR Primitive: Input Double Data-Rate Register
IDDR_2CLK Primitive: Input Double Data-Rate Register with Dual Clock Inputs
LDCE Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Clear and Gate Enable
LDPE Primitive: Transparent Data Latch with Asynchronous Preset and Gate Enable
ODDR Primitive: Dedicated Double Data Rate (DDR) Output Register

Slice/CLB Primitives

Design Element Description
CARRY4 Primitive: Fast Carry Logic with Look Ahead
CFGLUT5 Primitive: 5-input Dynamically Reconfigurable Look-Up Table (LUT)
LUT1 Primitive: 1-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT2 Primitive: 2-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT3 Primitive: 3-Bit Look-Up Table with General Output
LUT4 Primitive: 4-Bit Look-Up-Table with General Output
LUT5 Primitive: 5-Input Lookup Table with General Output
LUT6 Primitive: 6-Input Lookup Table with General Output
LUT6_2 Primitive: Six-input, 2-output, Look-Up Table
MUXF7 Primitive: 2-to-1 Look-Up Table Multiplexer with General Output
MUXF8 Primitive: 2-to-1 Look-Up Table Multiplexer with General Output
SRL16E Primitive: 16-Bit Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Clock Enable
SRLC32E Primitive: 32 Clock Cycle, Variable Length Shift Register Look-Up Table (LUT) with Clock Enable