Full Configuration Bitstreams - 2022.1 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

All DFX designs start with standard configuration of the full device using a full configuration bitstream. The format and structure is no different than for a flat design solution (with one exception), and there is no difference in how this bitstream can be used to initially program the FPGA. The one exception is that the global signal mask for a DFX design is closed; it is opened with each partial (or clearing) bitstream to affect only the reconfigurable region. Because of this exception, chip-wide GSR events (after the initial configuration) cannot be issued. However, note that the design itself has been processed in preparation for partial reconfiguration of the device after the full programming has been done. Standard features, such as encryption and compression, are supported.

RPs set as black boxes are supported, so RMs with no functionality can be delivered as part of the initial configuration, to be replaced later with a desired RM. Bitstream compression can be effective in this case, reducing bitstream size and initial configuration time.

Downloading a Full BIT File

The FPGA in a digital system is configured after power on reset by downloading a full BIT file, either directly from a PROM or from a general purpose memory space by a microprocessor. A full BIT file contains all the information necessary to reset the FPGA, configure it with a complete design, and verify that the BIT file is not corrupt. The figure below illustrates this process.

Figure 1. Configuring with a Full BIT File

After the initial configuration is completed and verified, the FPGA enters user mode, and the downloaded design begins functioning. If a corrupt BIT file is detected, the DONE signal is never asserted, the FPGA never enters user mode, and the corrupt design never starts functioning.