Using Vivado ECO Flow to Replace Existing Debug Probes - 2022.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

It is possible to replace debug nets connected to an ILA core in a placed and routed design checkpoint. You can do this by using the Engineering Change Order (ECO) flow. This is an advanced design flow used for designs that are nearing completion, where you need to swap nets connected to an ILA probe port. This method serves two purposes:

  • It saves you time. This feature lets you swap existing debug nets that are being probed for different nets.
  • It is minimally invasive. After replacing probed nets, it is necessary to route those nets to the inputs of the debug core. The rest of the design remains intact, thereby not only preserving previous implementation results, but also reducing the possibility that a re-implementation will hide the bug you are trying to find.
    Important: This flow is only applicable to designs where ILA cores have already been instantiated or inserted.

The following figure shows the process of replacing debug nets using the ECO design flow.

Figure 1. Debug ECO Design Flow
Page-1 Decision.521 Need to swap nets probed by ILA Need to swapnets probedby ILA Process.507 Program Device, Start Debug Program Device, StartDebug Process.4 Bitstream (.bit) Bitstream(.bit) Process.5 LTX (.ltx) LTX(.ltx) Process.6 Done Done Database Open Routed Checkpoint Sheet.7 Sheet.8 Sheet.9 Open RoutedCheckpoint Process.9 Change Vivado GUI Change Vivado GUI Sheet.12 Process.11 Write Checkpoint (DCP)(optional) Write Checkpoint(DCP)(optional) Process.12 Write Bitstream WriteBitstream Process.13 Write Debug Probe (LTX) Write Debug Probe(LTX) 8pt. Arial Text.515 ECO FLOW ECO FLOW 8pt. Arial Text.16 Yes Yes 8pt. Arial Text.17 No No Standard Arrow.524 Standard Arrow.20 Standard Arrow.21 Standard Arrow.22 Sheet.23 Process.29 Process.31 Replace Debug Probes Replace Debug Probes Standard Arrow.34 Standard Arrow.35 Sheet.32 X16399-040516 Sheet.33 Sheet.34 Sheet.35 X16399-040516 Standard Arrow.37 Standard Arrow.38 Standard Arrow.39