Standard hw_server Options - 2022.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English
Table 1. Standard hw_server Options
Option Purpose Example
-d Run hw_server in daemon mode (output is sent to system logger). hw_server -d
--help Basic command line help.  
-I Exit if there are no target connections established for the specified time. Time here is specified in seconds. hw_server -I 20
-L Enable logging of JTAG commands from clients to the hw_server.

hw_server -L-

The above option will log output to stdout

hw_server -Lmy_file.log

The above option will log output to file my_file.log

-s Sets up an agent listening port and protocol.

hw_server -stcp::3122

The above option is used to connect when using the local host with port 3122 at hw_server start up.

-q Do not display version information on start up.  
-p Assign a range of ports to be used by Xilinx® GDB server, or disable the feature.

hw_server -p<port>

<port> is the base port number for Xilinx® GDB server. Default is 3000

The server opens one port per target architecture:

3000: Arm;

3001: Arm64;

3002: MicroBlaze;

3003: MicroBlaze64

hw_server -p0 disables the port

--init This option is used to specify an initialization script file to hw_server

hw_server --init my_init.txt

The file my_init.txt contains options that will be applied to the hw_server at startup

Environment variable HW_SERVER_INIT_FILE

Use to specify default --init file

export HW_SERVER_INIT_FILE=~/my_init.txt


In this case, the hw_server is initialized with the settings coming from the file pointed to by the environment variable HW_SERVER_INIT_FILE.