Programming the Hardware Device - 2022.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Once the programming file has been associated with the hardware device, you can program the hardware device using by right-clicking on the device in the Hardware window and selecting the Program Device menu option. You can also use the program_hw_device Tcl command. For instance, to program the first device in the JTAG chain, use the following Tcl command:

program_hw_devices [lindex [get_hw_devices] 0]

Once the progress dialog has indicated that the programming is 100% complete, you can check that the hardware device has been programmed successfully by examining the DONE status in the Hardware Device Properties view.

Figure 1. Checking the DONE Status of a Device

You can also use the get_property Tcl command to check the DONE status. For instance, to check the DONE status of a Kintex®-7 device that is the first device in the JTAG chain, use the following Tcl command:

get_property REGISTER.IR.BIT5_DONE [lindex [get_hw_devices] 0]

On Versal devices, the command differs slightly because the DONE status register is different. Index 1 must be read as the first device returned by get_hw_devices, and will be the arm_dap in a single device use case.

get_property REGISTER.JTAG_STATUS.BIT[34]_DONE [lindex [get_hw_devices] 1]

If you use another means to program the hardware device (for instance, a flash device or external device programmer), you can also refresh the status of a hardware device by right-clicking the Refresh Device menu option or by running the refresh_hw_device Tcl command. This refreshes the various properties for the device, including but not limited to the DONE status.

Important: For non-Versal architectures, if your design contains debug cores, ensure that the JTAG clock is 2.5 times slower than the debug hub clock.
Important: User SCAN Chain: For non-Versal architectures, Vivado Programmer tries to detect debug cores on the user scan chain specified in the design by default. It does the detection by issuing a JTAG_CHAIN 1 command to the device. If you have programmed a device with a design that does not have any debug cores or a debug core with a user scan chain of 2, 3, or 4, you will see a warning.

To determine the user scan chain setting, for non-Versal architectures, open the implemented design and use:

get_property C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN [get_debug_cores dbg_hub]

You can change the user scan chain used in the Vivado Hardware Manager. Note that the BSCAN_SWITCH_USER_MASK is a bit mask value. See the following figure.

Alternatively you can specify the user scan chain value as an option to hw_server start-up.

hw_server -e "set bscan-switch-user-mask <user-bit-mask>"
Figure 2. BSCAN Switch User Mask

Tip: For designs prior to Vivado 2016.3 Xilinx recommends manually launching hw_server with -e "set xsdb-user-bscan <C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN scan_chain_number>" to detect the debug hub at User Scan Chain of 2 or 4.