Operations on the SVF Chain - 2022.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Once you have created an SVF chain that reflects all the devices and their configuration memory in the right order, you can start adding programming operations to the devices in the SVF chain.

For example, you can right-click on the Xilinx® a200t device in the chain and select Add Program Device Operation… which bring up the Add Program Device Operation dialog box as shown below. Specify the bitstream file to program the device with.

Figure 1. Add Program Device Operation Dialog Box

After you click OK, the program device operation is listed at the bottom of the SVF Operations window.

Figure 2. SVF Operations Window

Similarly, you can program the configuration memory device by right clicking on the memory device and selecting Add Program Configuration Memory… which bring up the Add Program Configuration Memory dialog box as shown below. Specify the configuration file to program the memory device with. You can also select additional programming options for memory devices like Erase, Blankcheck, and Verify.

Figure 3. Add Program Configuration Memory Dialog Box

After you click OK, the program configuration memory device operation is listed at the bottom of the SVF Operations window.

Figure 4. Configuration Memory Device in SVF Operations Window