Example of Bus Plot Creation - 2022.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English
  1. To create a Bus Plot, open the Vivado Hardware Manager and select Tools > Show Bus Plot.
  2. The Show Bus Plot dialog box appears allowing the selection of a previously saved ILA data file. By default, the auto-saved ILA data file corresponding to the last ILA trace is auto-selected. To select a previously saved ILA data file, enter the path to the corresponding .ila or .csv file.

  3. Click OK and a blank Bus Plot window appears. To add a Bus Plot, click the "+" symbol, and a dialog box appears with options to configure the new Bus Plot.

    The Add New Bus Plot options are as follows:

    • Data for X Axis: Specifies the bus data to use for the X axis.
      • Sample in Buffer: ILA sample number in the ILA capture buffer.
      • Sample in Window: ILA sample number in the capture window. If one capture window is selected, this number is the same as the sample in buffer, however if you use multiple capture windows, this number indicates the sample number for the given capture window.
      • TRIGGER: Trigger position in the capture window.
    • X Axis Radix: Specifies the radix to use when plotting the X Axis data.
      • Signed Integer.
      • Unsigned Integer.
    • Data for Y Axis: Specifies the bus data to use for the Y axis.
      • Sample in Buffer: ILA sample number in the ILA capture buffer.
      • Sample in Window: ILA sample number in the capture window. If one capture window is selected, this number is the same as the sample in buffer, however if you use multiple capture windows, this number indicates the sample number for the given capture window.
      • TRIGGER: Trigger position in the capture window.
    • Y Axis Radix: Specifies the radix to use when plotting the Y Axis data.
      • Signed Integer.
      • Unsigned Integer.
    • Graph Type
      • Line: Display bus plot as a continuous line connected between discreet samples.
      • Point: Display bus plot as points representing discreet samples.
    • Line Width: Specifies the width to use for drawing the signals in the Bus Plot viewer.
    • Plot Color: Allows choosing a different color to draw the Bus Plot.
  4. After configuring the Bus Plot, click OK to add the Bus Plot to the Vivado Hardware Manager. The Bus Plot is displayed.

    Note: Bus Plot settings are not saved when exiting the Vivado Hardware Manager. Be sure that all desired measurements are completed before closing Vivado IDE.