Description of hw_axi and hw_axi_txn Tcl Commands - 2022.1 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The following table contains descriptions of all Tcl commands used to interact with JTAG-to-AXI Master cores.

Table 1. Description of hw_axi and hw_axi_txn Tcl Commands
Tcl Command Description
create_hw_axi_txn Creates hardware AXI transaction object.
delete_hw_axi_txn Deletes hardware AXI transaction objects.
get_hw_axi_txns Gets a list of hardware AXI transaction objects.
get_hw_axis Gets a list of hardware AXI objects.
refresh_hw_axi Refreshes hardware AXI object status.
report_hw_axi_txn Reports formatted hardware AXI transaction data.
reset_hw_axi Resets hardware AXI core state.
run_hw_axi Runs hardware AXI read/write transactions and update transaction status in the corresponding hw_axi object.