Example 2: Post-Synthesis and Post-Implementation Power Estimation and Comparison in Projectless Mode - 2022.1 English - UG907

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization (UG907)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English
#--------------------- Setup estimation ---------------------

# Open netlist in projectless mode
read_edif -name top.edf

# AND link the design

# OR open Vivado checkpoint
open_checkpoint -file post_synth.dcp

# read design constraints, if it is not part of a design checkpoint (DCP)
read_xdc  -name top_full.xdc

# Display tool default assumed operating conditions
report_operating_conditions -all

# Set specific device and environment operating conditions
set_operating_conditions -ambient 25
set_operating_conditions -voltage {vccint 0.95 vccaux 1.71}

#---------------------- Power estimation at post synthesis ----------------

# Generate verbose post-synthesis power report
report_power -verbose -file ex1_post-synthesis.pwr

#----Run various Implementation steps then run Power estimation after every step ----
report_power -verbose -file ex1_post-opt_design.pwr
power_opt_design ;# Optional
report_power -verbose -file ex1_post_pwr_opt_design.pwr
report_power -verbose -file ex1_post_place_design.pwr
phys_opt_design ;# Optional
report_power -verbose -file ex1_post_phys_opt_design.pwr

# Generate post-route verbose power report
report_power -verbose -file ex1_post_route_design.pwr

# Return operating conditions to default for device
reset_operating_conditions -ambient -voltage {vccint vccaux}