The requirements for launching synthesis and implementation runs on remote Linux hosts are:
Vivado tools installation is assumed to be
available from the login shell, which means that
are configured correctly in your .cshrc/.bashrc setup scripts. $PATH is used by the shell to find the vivado executable while $XILINX_VIVADO is used by some XILINX tools to obtain the vivado executable path. It is best to set both of these environment variables to the vivado executable in your .cshrc/.bashrc setup scripts.Alternatively, for Manual Configuration, if you do not have Vivado set up upon login (CSHRC or BASHRC), use the Run pre-launch script option, described below, to define an environment setup script to be run prior to all jobs.
- Vivado IDE installation must be visible from the mounted file systems on remote machines. If the Vivado IDE installation is stored on a local disk on your own machine, it might not be visible from remote machines.
- Vivado IDE project files (.xpr) and directories (.data and .runs) must be visible from the mounted file systems on remote machines. If the design data is saved to a local disk, it might not be visible from remote machines.