Remaps CARRY4 and CARRY8 primitives of carry chains to LUTs to improve routability. When running with the -carry_remap option, only single-stage carry chains are converted to LUTs. You can control the conversion of individual carry chains of any length by using the CARRY_REMAP cell property. The CARRY_REMAP property is an integer that specifies the maximum carry chain length to be mapped to LUTs. The CARRY_REMAP property is applied to CARRY4 and CARRY8 primitives and each CARRY primitive within a chain must have the same value to convert to LUTs. The minimum supported value is 1.
Example: A design contains multiple carry chains of lengths 1, 2, 3, and 4 CARRY8 primitives. The following assigns a CARRY_REMAP property on all CARRY8 primitives:
Vivado% set_property CARRY_REMAP 2 [get_cells -hier -filter {ref_name == CARRY8}]
After opt_design
, only carry chains of length 3 or greater CARRY8
primitives remain mapped to CARRY8. Chains with a length of 1 and 2 are mapped to