Using the I/O Ports Window - 2022.1 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The I/O Ports window (shown in the following figure) enables you to create, configure, and place I/O ports onto I/O sites in either the Package window or Device window. The I/O Ports window shows the I/O signal ports defined in the design. To open the I/O Ports window, select Window > I/O Ports.

Creating RTL source or netlist projects populates the I/O Ports window with the I/O ports defined in the design source files. In an I/O Planning project, you can import a port list from a CSV or XDC file and create ports manually for the project. For more information, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899).

Figure 1. I/O Ports Window

The I/O Ports window lists the following for each I/O port and sorts the I/O ports based on column values:

  • Port signal names
  • Direction
  • Board part pin (when using board part only)
  • Board part interface (when using board part only)
    Note: For more information on using the platform board flow, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).
  • Package pin
  • I/O bank
  • I/O Standard
  • Drive strength
  • Diff pair partner
  • Slew type
  • Voltage requirements
  • Other signal information

The table in the I/O Ports window includes the following information:

  • Buses are in expandable folders that you can select as one object for analysis, configuration, and assignment.
  • Port Interfaces are in expandable folders that can contain buses and individual ports that you defined.
  • Cells with editable values allow you to enter text or select text from drop-down menus.

Table values appear as follows:

  • Blank for default values
  • An asterisk (*) for non-default values
  • Red for illegal or undefined values
Note: For more information on working with table views, see Using Data Table Windows.