Text Editor Popup Menu Commands - 2022.1 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The popup menu contains the following commands:

Save File
Saves changes to the currently displayed file.
Save File As
Saves a file to a new name.
Save All Files
Saves all open files that were modified.
Find Usages
Shows all files in which the selected module, architecture, entity, or signal is located.
Go to Definition
Shows the definition for the selected module, architecture, entity, or signal.
Undoes changes in sequential order.
Redoes changes in sequential order.
Cuts selected text to the clipboard.
Copies selected text to the clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the cursor location.
Duplicate Selection
Copies the selected text and pastes it to the cursor location, immediately in front of the current selection.
Select All
Selects all text in the Text Editor.
Toggle column selection mode
Specifies whether to select a block of text characters as a grid of rows and columns or as lines of text. This command can be toggled on or off.
Finds and replaces text in the current file.
Find in Files/Replace in Files
Opens the Find in Files dialog box for you to enter text strings for searching the selected files. The Find in Files window displays at the bottom of the Vivado IDE environment with the results of the search. You can replace the search string with a new string using the Replace in Files command.
Indent Selection/Unindent Selection
Inserts or removes a tab space on the selected line or lines.
Toggle Line Comments
Selects a line of text or group of lines, and inserts a line comment symbol at the start of the line. This command removes the line comment symbol if the selected lines currently contain the comment symbol.
Toggle Block Comments
Adds or removes a block comment (/*...*/) at the start and end of a selected block of text. This command is useful for commenting out a section of text in a single command.
Note: The comment symbol inserted is contextually dependent on the type of file displayed. This command is only available for Verilog, SystemVerilog, and VHDL.
Blank Operations
Configures the display of tabs, spaces, and special characters for the selected text. If no text is selected, configures the display for the entire document.
Trim Leading Whitespace
Removes the leading whitespace for the selected text. This operation works on the entire document if no text is selected.
Trim Trailing Whitespace
Removes the trailing whitespace for the selected text. This operation works on the entire document if no text is selected.
Trim Leading and Trailing Whitespace
Combines the actions of the previous two commands, trimming both the leading and trailing whitespace. This operation works on the entire document if no text is selected.
TAB to Space
Converts each tab character into a space character.
Space to TAB
Converts each space character into a tab character.
Show Special Characters
Displays special characters that are typically hidden, such as tabs, spaces, and end-of-line characters.
Diff with <File_Name>
Opens the File Compare dialog box (shown in the following figure) and performs a comparison of the current file and the file you select.
Note: You must have both files you want to compare loaded in the Text Editor.
Collapses and expands text based on hierarchy, making it easier to navigate and edit large files.
Expand Current
Expands the text at the cursor location.
Collapse Current
Collapses the text around the cursor location.
Expand All
Expands all text in the current file.
Collapse All
Collapses all text in the current file.
Expand Comments
Expands all comments in the current file.
Collapse Comments
Collapses all comments in the current file.
Note: To enable or disable code folding, select Tools > Settings, click the Text Editor category, and select or deselect the Perform Code Folding option.
Insert Template
Inserts the currently selected Language Template into your text file at the location of your cursor.
Figure 1. File Compare Dialog Box