Outputs for Environment Configuration - 2022.1 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The Vivado IDE saves the current configuration of window layouts and themes to configuration and initialization files that are loaded when the tool is launched. You can also save custom themes, window layouts, and run strategies to be loaded when you need them. For more information, see Configuring the Environment.

The files defining these themes and layouts are written to the Vivado IDE environment folders in the following locations:


The following table lists the environment configuration files. input files, including files names and descriptions.

Table 1. Vivado IDE Environment Configuration Outputs
Environment Configuration File File Name Description
Tool-Specific Tcl Initialization Script


Note: In Vivado Design Suite 2016.4 and earlier releases, the file name is init.tcl.
  • Software installation directory: installdir/Vivado/version/scripts/Vivado_init.tcl
  • Local user directory:
    • Windows:


    • Linux:


  • You can create the file in the software installation directory to share a common initialization script across a set of users.
  • You can create the file in the local user directory to specify additional commands or override commands.
    Note: For more information, see this link in Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835).
View Display Options vivado.xml
  • ../vivado/<version>/vivado.xml file captures the settings in Tools > Settings that include display color and other viewing options for the environment.
  • The Vivado IDE saves your settings to the vivado.xml file when you exit the tool. Upon opening, it imports the file automatically and applies the settings to initialize the tool.
Vivado IDE Themes <theme_name>.patheme
  • ../vivado/<version>/themes directory contains *.patheme files that are created when you customize color and fill pattern themes for displaying layers in the Vivado IDE.
  • You can select a theme file to use during the active session from a pull-down selection menu.
View Layout Files <layout_name>.layout
  • ../vivado/<version>/layouts directory contains *.layout files that define the layout configuration of the Vivado IDE.
  • You can create custom view layouts by selecting Layout > Save Layout As.
Keyboard Shortcuts shortcuts.xml
  • ../vivado/<version>/shortcuts directory contains a shortcuts.xml file that maps keyboard shortcuts to tool commands.
  • You can define and configure multiple keyboard shortcuts, which are stored in the shortcuts file.
Custom Commands commands.paini
  • ../vivado/<version>/commands directory contains the commands.paini file that stores custom Tcl commands added to the Vivado IDE.
  • You can create custom commands by selecting Tools > Custom Commands > Customize Commands.