The following table shows the possible values for the hls::ip_dds::params_t
parameterization struct parameters.
Parameter | C Type | Default Value | Valid Values |
DDS_Clock_Rate | double | 20.0 | Any double value |
Channels | unsigned | 1 | 1 to 16 |
Mode_of_Operation | unsigned | XIP_DDS_MOO_CONVENTIONAL | XIP_DDS_MOO_CONVENTIONAL truncates the accumulated phase. XIP_DDS_MOO_RASTERIZED selects rasterized mode. |
Modulus | unsigned | 200 | 129 to 256 |
Spurious_Free_Dynamic_Range | double | 20.0 | 18.0 to 150.0 |
Frequency_Resolution | double | 10.0 | 0.000000001 to 125000000 |
Noise_Shaping | unsigned | XIP_DDS_NS_NONE | XIP_DDS_NS_NONE produces phase truncation DDS. XIP_DDS_NS_DITHER uses phase dither to improve SFDR at the expense of increased noise floor. XIP_DDS_NS_TAYLOR interpolates sine/cosine values using the otherwise discarded bits from phase truncation XIP_DDS_NS_AUTO automatically determines noise-shaping. |
Phase_Width | unsigned | 16 | Must be an integer multiple of 8 |
Output_Width | unsigned | 16 | Must be an integer multiple of 8 |
Phase_Increment | unsigned | XIP_DDS_PINCPOFF_FIXED | XIP_DDS_PINCPOFF_FIXED fixes PINC at generation time, and PINC cannot be
changed at runtime. This is the only value supported. |
Phase_Offset | unsigned | XIP_DDS_PINCPOFF_NONE | XIP_DDS_PINCPOFF_NONE does not generate phase offset. XIP_DDS_PINCPOFF_FIXED fixes POFF at generation time, and POFF cannot be changed at runtime. |
Output_Selection | unsigned | XIP_DDS_OUT_SIN_AND_COS | XIP_DDS_OUT_SIN_ONLY produces sine output only. XIP_DDS_OUT_COS_ONLY produces cosine output only. XIP_DDS_OUT_SIN_AND_COS produces both sin and cosine output. |
Negative_Sine | unsigned | XIP_DDS_ABSENT | XIP_DDS_ABSENT produces standard sine wave. XIP_DDS_PRESENT negates sine wave. |
Negative_Cosine | bool | XIP_DDS_ABSENT | XIP_DDS_ABSENT produces standard sine wave. XIP_DDS_PRESENT negates sine wave. |
Amplitude_Mode | unsigned | XIP_DDS_FULL_RANGE | XIP_DDS_FULL_RANGE normalizes amplitude to the output width with the binary
point in the first place. For example, an 8-bit output has a binary
amplitude of 100000000 - 10 giving values between 01111110 and
11111110, which corresponds to just less than 1 and just more than
-1, respectively. XIP_DDS_UNIT_CIRCLE normalizes amplitude to half full range, that is, values range from 01000 .. (+0.5). to 110000 .. (-0.5). |
Memory_Type | unsigned | XIP_DDS_MEM_AUTO | XIP_DDS_MEM_AUTO selects distributed ROM for small cases where the table can
be contained in a single layer of memory and selects block ROM for
larger cases. XIP_DDS_MEM_BLOCK always uses block RAM. XIP_DDS_MEM_DIST always uses distributed RAM. |
Optimization_Goal | unsigned | XIP_DDS_OPTGOAL_AUTO | XIP_DDS_OPTGOAL_AUTO automatically selects the optimization goal. XIP_DDS_OPTGOAL_AREA optimizes for area. XIP_DDS_OPTGOAL_SPEED optimizes for performance. |
DSP48_Use | unsigned | XIP_DDS_DSP_MIN | XIP_DDS_DSP_MIN implements the phase accumulator and the stages for phase
offset, dither noise addition, or both in FPGA logic. XIP_DDS_DSP_MAX implements the phase accumulator and the phase offset, dither noise addition, or both using DSP slices. In the case of single channel, the DSP slice can also provide the register to store programmable phase increment, phase offset, or both and thereby, save further fabric resources. |
Latency_Configuration | unsigned | XIP_DDS_LATENCY_AUTO | XIP_DDS_LATENCY_AUTO automatically determines he latency. XIP_DDS_LATENCY_MANUAL manually specifies the latency using the Latency option. |
Latency | unsigned | 5 | Any value |
Output_Form | unsigned | XIP_DDS_OUTPUT_TWOS | XIP_DDS_OUTPUT_TWOS outputs two's complement. XIP_DDS_OUTPUT_SIGN_MAG outputs signed magnitude. |
PINC[XIP_DDS_CHANNELS_MAX] | unsigned array | {0} | Any value for the phase increment for each channel |
POFF[XIP_DDS_CHANNELS_MAX] | unsigned array | {0} | Any value for the phase offset for each channel |