Installing the PetaLinux Tool - 2022.1 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Without any options, the PetaLinux tool is installed into the current working directory.

chmod 755 ./petalinux-v<petalinux-version>

Alternatively, you can specify an installation path.

./petalinux-v<petalinux-version> [--log <LOGFILE>] [-d|--dir <INSTALL_DIR>] [options]
Table 1. PetaLinux Installer Options
Options Description
--log <LOGFILE> Specifies where the log file should be created. By default, it is petalinux_installation_log in your working directory.
-d|--dir [INSTALL_DIR] Specifies the directory where you want to install the tool kit. If not specified, the tool kit is installed in your working directory.
-p|--platform <arch_name> Specifies the architecture:
  • aarch64: Sources for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices and Versal devices.
  • arm: sources for Zynq devices.
  • If -p not specified then by default it will install all the platforms
  • MicroBlazeâ„¢ : sources for MicroBlaze devices

For example: To install PetaLinux tools at /home/<user>/petalinux/<petalinux-version>:

$ mkdir -p /home/<user>/petalinux/<petalinux-version>
$ ./petalinux-v<petalinux-version> --dir /home/<user>/petalinux/<petalinux-version>
Note: You can not install PetaLinux with root user. If you try to run PetaLinux as root, you may get a bitbake sanity check failure that prevents the build from continuing. This check is done because it is very risky to run builds as root; if any build script mistakenly tries to install files to the root path (/) instead of where it is supposed to, it must be made to fail immediately and not (in the worst case) overwrite files critical to your Linux system's operation, which means in /bin or /etc. Thus, running the build as root is not supported. The only time root access is needed is (completely outside of a build) when the runqemu script uses sudo to set up TAP devices for networking.

This installs the PetaLinux tool into the /home/<user>/petalinux/<petalinux-version> directory. By default, it installs all the three eSDKs compressed script files. To install a specific eSDK as part of the PetaLinux tool, see Installing a Preferred eSDK as part of the PetaLinux Tool.

Important: Once installed, you cannot move or copy the installed directory. In the above example, you cannot move or copy /home/<user>/petalinux/<petalinux-version> because the full path is stored in the Yocto e-SDK environment file.
Note: While installing the software, ensure that /home/<user>/petalinux is writable for you. You can change the permissions after installation to make it globally read-execute (0755). It is not mandatory to install the tool in /home/<user>/petalinux directory. You can install it at any location that has the 755 permissions.

Reading and agreeing to the PetaLinux End User License Agreement (EULA) is a required and integral part of the PetaLinux tools installation process. You can read the license agreement prior to running the installation. If you wish to keep the license for your records, the licenses are available in plain ASCII text in the following files:

EULA specifies in detail the rights and restrictions that apply to PetaLinux.
$PETALINUX/etc/license/Third_Party_Software_End_User_License_Agree ment.txt
This third party license agreement details the licenses of the distributable and non-distributable components in PetaLinux tools.