Upgrading a Block Design in Project Mode - 2021.2 English - UG994

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English
To upgrade a block design in project mode:
  1. Launch the latest version of the Vivado Design Suite.
  2. From the Vivado IDE, click File > Project > Open, and navigate to the design that was created from a previous version of Vivado tools.

    The Older Project Version pop-up opens. Automatically upgrade to the current version is selected by default.

    Although you can upgrade the design from a previous version by selecting the Automatically upgrade to the current version, it is highly recommended that you save your project with a different name before upgrading.

  3. Select Open project in read-only mode, as shown in the following figure, and click OK.

    The Project is Read-Only dialog box opens.

  4. Select Save Project As as shown in the following figure.

  5. When the Save Project As dialog box opens, as shown in the following figure, type the name of the project, and click OK.

    The Project Upgraded dialog box opens, as shown in the following figure, informing you that the IP used in the design may have changed and therefore need to be updated.

  6. Click Report IP Status.

    Alternatively, from the menu, select Reports > Report IP Status.

  7. In the IP Status window, look at the different columns and familiarize yourself with the IP Status report. Expand the block design and look at the changes of IP cores in the block design.

    The top of the IP Status window shows the summary of the design. It reports how many changes are needed to upgrade the design to the current version. The changes reported are Major Changes, Minor Changes, Revision Changes, and Other Changes. These changes are reported in the IP Status column as well.

    Major Changes
    The IP has gone through a major version change; for example, from Version 2.0 to 3.0. This type of change is not automatically selected for upgrade. To select this for upgrade, uncheck the Upgrade column for the block design and then re-check it.
    Minor Changes
    The IP has undergone a minor version change; for example, from version 3.0 to 3.1.
    Revision Changes
    A revision change has been made to the IP; for example, the current version of the IP is 5.0, and the upgraded version is 5.0 (Rev. 1).
  8. To see a description of the change, click More info in the Change Log column, shown in the following figure.

    The Recommendation column also suggests that you need to understand what the changes are before selecting the IP for upgrade.

  9. When you understand the changes and the potential impact on your design, click Upgrade Selected.

    The Upgrade IP dialog box opens to confirm that you want to proceed with upgrade.

  10. Click OK.

    When the upgrade process is complete, a Critical Messages dialog box may open, informing you about any critical issues to which you need to pay attention. Review any critical warnings and other messages that may be flagged as a part of the upgrade.

  11. Click OK.
  12. If there are no Critical Warnings, the Upgrade IP dialog box informs you that the IP Upgrade completed successfully. Click OK.