Using the report_design_analysis Command - 2021.2 English - UG906

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

When timing closure is difficult to achieve or when you are trying to improve the overall performance of your application, you must review the main characteristics of your design after running synthesis and after any step of the implementation flow. It is relatively easy to gather the high-level metrics such as timing summary numbers (WNS/TNS/WHS/THS) (report_timing_summary) or various resource utilization numbers (report_utilization, report_clock_utilization, report_high_fanout_nets and report_control_sets). But it is more difficult to analyze and identify which particular aspect of your design is impacting a specific timing path and consequently the overall Quality of Result (QoR). The QoR analysis usually requires you to look at several global and local characteristics at the same time to figure out what is suboptimal in the design and the constraints, or which logic structure is not suitable for the target device architecture and implementation tools. The report_design_analysis command gathers logical, timing and physical characteristics in a few tables that can simplify the QoR root cause analysis.

Note: The report_design_analysis command does not report on the completeness and correctness of timing constraints. To verify your timing constraints, you must use the check_timing and report_exceptions commands, as well as the XDC and TIMING methodology DRCs. For more information on how to run these commands, see the corresponding sections:

Two main categories of QoR problems are usually encountered: