config_export - 2021.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English


Configures options for export_design which can either run downstream tools or package a Vivado IP or Vitis compiled kernel object (.xo).


config_export [OPTIONS]


-deadlock_detection <none | hw | sim>
Enables simulation or synthesis deadlock detection in top level RTL of exported IP/XO file. The options are as follows:
  • none : Deadlock detection disabled
  • hw : Deadlock detection enabled in synthesized RTL/HW
  • sim : Deadlock detection enabled only for simulation/emulation (default)
-description <string>
Provides a description for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.
-display_name <string>
Provides a display name for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.
-format (ip_catalog | xo | syn_dcp | sysgen)
Specifies the format to package the IP. The supported formats are:
A format suitable for adding to the Xilinx IP catalog.
A format accepted by the v++ compiler for linking in the Vitis application acceleration flow.
Synthesized checkpoint file for Vivado Design Suite. If this option is used, RTL synthesis is automatically executed. Vivado implementation can be optionally added.
Generates a Vivado IP and .zip archive for use in System Generator.
-ip_xdc_file <arg>
Specify an XDC file whose contents will be included in the packaged IP for use during implementation in the Vivado tool.
-ip_xdc_ooc_file <arg>
Specify an out-of-context (OOC) XDC file whose contents will be included in packaged IP and used during out-of-context Vivado synthesis for the exported IP.
-ipname <string>
Provides the name component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.
-library <string>
Provides the library component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.
-output <string>
Specifies the output location of the generated IP, .xo, or DCP files. The file is written to the solution/impl folder of the current project if no output path is specified.
-rtl (verilog | VHDL)
Specifies which HDL is used when the -flow option is executed. If not specified, Verilog is the default language for the Vivado synthesized netlist.
-taxonomy <string>
Specifies the taxonomy for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.
-vendor <string>
Provides the vendor component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.
-version <string>
Provides the version component of the <Vendor>:<Library>:<Name>:<Version> (VLNV) identifier for generated IP.
-vivado_clock <arg>
Override the specified HLS clock constraint used in Vivado OOC run. This is only used for reporting purposes and will not apply to the exported IP.
-vivado_impl_strategy <string>
Specifies Vivado implementation strategy name. The default name is 'default'.
-vivado_max_timing_paths <uint:10>
Specify the max number of timing paths to report when the timing is not met in the Vivado synthesis or implementation.
-vivado_optimization_level (0 | 1 | 2 | 3)
Vivado optimization level. This option sets other vivado_* options. This only applies for report generation and will not apply to the exported IP. The default setting is 0.
-vivado_pblock <arg>
Specify a PBLOCK range to use during implementation for reporting purposes. This will not apply to the exported IP.
-vivado_phys_opt (none | place | route | all)
Specifies whether Vivado physical optimization should be run during Vivado implementation. Valid values are:
Do not run (default).
Run post-place.
Run post-route.
Run post-place and post-route.
-vivado_report_level (0 | 1 | 2)
Specifies how many Vivado reports are generated, and does not apply to the exported IP. The valid values and the associated reports are:
Post-synthesis utilization. Post-implementation utilization and timing.
Post-synthesis utilization, timing, and analysis. Post-implementation utilization, timing, and analysis.
Post-synthesis utilization, timing, analysis, and failfast. Post-implementation utilization, timing, and failfast. This is the default setting.
-vivado_synth_design_args <string>
Specifies extra arguments to pass to the Vivado synth_design command. The default is -directive sdx_optimization_effort_high.
-vivado_synth_strategy <string>
Specifies Vivado synth strategy name. The default strategy is "default".


The following example exports the Vitis .xo to the specified file:

export_design -description "Kernel Export" -display_name kernel_export \
-flow impl -format xo -output "tmp/hls_tests/kernel.xo"