Vitis HLS supports the use of a latency constraint on any scope. Latency constraints are specified using the LATENCY directive.
When a maximum and/or minimum LATENCY constraint is placed on a scope, Vitis HLS tries to ensure all operations in the function complete within the range of clock cycles specified.
The latency directive applied to a loop specifies the required latency for a single iteration of the loop: it specifies the latency for the loop body, as the following examples shows:
Loop_A: for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
#pragma HLS latency max=10
..Loop Body...
If the intention is to limit the total latency of all loop iterations, the latency directive should be applied to a region that encompasses the entire loop, as in this example:
Region_All_Loop_A: {
#pragma HLS latency max=10
Loop_A: for (i=0; i<N; i++)
..Loop Body...
In this case, even if the loop is unrolled, the latency directive sets a maximum limit on all loop operations.
If Vitis HLS cannot meet a maximum latency constraint it relaxes the latency constraint and tries to achieve the best possible result.
If a minimum latency constraint is set and Vitis HLS can produce a design with a lower latency than the minimum required it inserts dummy clock cycles to meet the minimum latency.