Producer-Consumer Paradigm - 2021.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Consider how software designers write a multithreaded program - there is usually a master thread that performs some initialization steps and then forks off a number of child threads to do some parallel computation and when all the parallel computation is done, the main thread collates the results and writes to the output. The programmer has to figure out what parts can be forked off for parallel computation and what parts need to be executed sequentially. This fork/join type of parallelism applies as well to FPGAs as it does to CPUs, but a key pattern for throughput on FPGAs is the producer-consumer paradigm. You need to apply the producer-consumer paradigm to a sequential program and convert it to extract functionality that can be executed in parallel to improve performance.

You can better understand this decomposition process with the help of a simple problem statement. Assume that you have a datasheet from which we will import items into a list. You will then process each item in the list. The processing of each item takes around 2 seconds. After processing, you will write the result in another datasheet and this action will take an additional 1 second per item. So if you have a total of 100 items in the input Excel sheet then it will take a total of 300 seconds to generate output. The goal is to decompose this problem in such a way that you can identify tasks that can potentially execute in parallel and therefore increase the throughput of the system.

Figure 1. Program Workflows

The first step is to understand the program workflow and identify the independent tasks or functions. The four-step workflow is something like the Program Workflow (no overlap) shown in the above diagram. In the example, the "Write Output" (step 3) task is independent of the "Process Data" (step 2) processing task. Although step 3 depends on the output of step 2, as soon as any of the items are processed in Step 2, you can immediately write that item to the output file. You don't have to wait for all the data to be processed before starting to write data to the output file. This type of interleaving/overlapping the execution of tasks is a very common principle. This is illustrated in the above diagram (For example: the program workflow with overlap). As can be seen, the work gets done faster than with no overlap. You can now recognize that step 2 is the producer, and step 3 is the consumer. The producer-consumer pattern has a limited impact on performance on a CPU. You can interleave the execution of the steps of each thread but this requires careful analysis to exploit the underlying multi-threading and L1 cache architecture and therefore a time consuming activity. On FPGAs however, due to the custom architecture, the producer and consumer threads can be executed simultaneously with little or no overhead leading to a considerable improvement in throughput.

The simplest case to first consider is the single producer and single consumer, who communicate via a finite-size buffer. If the buffer is full, the producer has a choice of either blocking/stalling or discarding the data. Once the consumer removes an item from the buffer, it notifies the producer, who starts to fill the buffer again. In the same way, the consumer can stall if it finds the buffer empty. Once the producer puts data into the buffer, it wakes up the sleeping consumer. The solution can be achieved by means of inter-process communication, typically using monitors or semaphores. An inadequate solution could result in a deadlock where both processes are stalled waiting to be woken up. However, in the case of a single producer and consumer, the communication pattern strongly maps to a first-in-first-out (FIFO) or a Ping-Pong buffer (PIPO) implementation. This type of channel provides highly efficient data communication without relying on semaphores, mutexes, or monitors for data transfer. The use of such locking primitives can be expensive in terms of performance and difficult to use and debug. PIPOs and FIFOs are popular choices because they avoid the need for end-to-end atomic synchronization.

This type of macro-level architectural optimization, where the communication is encapsulated by a buffer, frees the programmer from worrying about memory models and other non-deterministic behavior (like race conditions etc). The type of network that is achieved in this type of design is purely a "dataflow network" that accepts a stream of data on the input side and essentially does some processing on this stream of data and sends it out as a stream of data. The complexities of a parallel program are abstracted away. Note that the "Import Data" (Step 1) and "Export Data" (Step 4) also have a role to play in maximizing the available parallelism. In order to allow computation to successfully overlap with I/O, it is important to encapsulate reading from inputs as the first step and writing to outputs as the last step. This will allow for a maximal overlap of I/O with computation. Reading or writing to input/output ports in the middle of the computation step will limit the available concurrency in the design. It is another thing to keep in mind while designing the workflow of your design.

Finally, the performance of such a "dataflow network" relies on the designer being able to continually feed data to the network such that data keeps streaming through the system. Having interruptions in the dataflow can result in lower performance. A good analogy for this is video streaming applications like online gaming where the real-time high definition (HD) video is constantly streamed through the system and the frame processing rate is constantly monitored to ensure that it meets the expected quality of results. Any slowdown in the frame processing rate can be immediately seen by the gamers on their screens. Now imagine being able to support consistent frame rates for a whole bunch of gamers all the while consuming much less power than with traditional CPU or GPU architectures - this is the sweet spot for hardware acceleration. Keeping the data flowing between the producer and consumer is of paramount importance. Next, you will delve a little deeper into this streaming paradigm that was introduced in this section.