Preconditions and Limitations of Burst Transfer - 2021.2 English

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Bursting Preconditions

Bursting is about aggregating successive memory access requests. Here are the set of preconditions that these successive accesses must meet for the bursting optimization to launch successfully:

  • Must be all reads, or all writes – bursting reads and writes is not possible.
  • Must be a monotonically increasing order of access (both in terms of the memory location being accessed as well as in time). You cannot access a memory location that is in between two previously accessed memory locations.
  • Must be consecutive in memory – one next to another with no gaps or overlap and in forward order.
  • The number of read/write accesses (or burst length) must be determinable before the request is sent out. This means that even if the burst length is parametric, it must be computed before the read/write request is sent out.
  • If bundling two arrays to the same M-AXI port, bursting will be done only for one array, at most, in each direction at any given time.
  • There must be no dependency issues from the time a burst request is initiated and finished.

Outer Loop Burst Failure Due to Overlapping Memory Accesses

Outer loop burst inference will fail in the following example because both iteration 0 and iteration 1 of the loop L1 access the same element in arrays a and b. Burst inference is an all or nothing type of optimization - the tool will not infer a partial burst. It is a greedy algorithm that tries to maximize the length of the burst. The auto-burst inference will try to infer a burst in a bottom up fashion - from the inner loop to the outer loop, and will stop when one of the preconditions is not met. In the example below the burst inference will stop when it sees that element 8 is being read again, and so an inner loop burst of length 9 will be inferred in this case.

L1: for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
    L2: for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
            b[i*8 + j] = a[i*8 + j];

itr 0: |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8|
itr 1: |                8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16|

Usage of ap_int/ap_uint Types as Loop Induction Variables

Because the burst inference depends on the loop induction variable and the trip count, using non-native types can hinder the optimization from firing. It is recommended to always use unsigned integer type for the loop induction variable.

Must Enter Loop at Least Once

In some cases, the compiler can fail to infer that the max value of the loop induction variable can never be zero – that is, if it cannot prove that the loop will always be entered. In such cases, an assert statement will help the compiler infer this.

assert (N > 0);
L1: for(int a = 0; a < N; ++a) { … }

Inter or Intra Loop Dependencies on Arrays

If you write to an array location and then read from it in the same iteration or the next, this type of array dependency can be hard for the optimization to decipher. Basically, the optimization will fail for these cases because it cannot guarantee that the write will happen before the read.

Conditional Access to Memory

If the memory accesses are being made conditionally, it can cause the burst inferencing algorithm to fail as it cannot reason through the conditional statements. In some cases, the compiler will simplify the conditional and even remove it but it is generally recommended to not use conditional statements around the memory accesses.

M-AXI Accesses Made from Inside a Function Called from a Loop

Cross-functional array access analysis is not a strong suit for compiler transformations such as burst inferencing. In such cases, users can inline the function using the INLINE pragma or directive to avoid burst failures.

void my_function(hls::stream<T> &out_pkt, int *din, int input_idx) {
    T v; = din[input_idx];

void my_kernel(hls::stream<T> &out_pkt,
               int            *din,
               int            num_512_bytes,
               int            num_times) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=m_axi port = din offset=slave bundle=gmem0
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=axis port=out_pkt
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=din bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=num_512_bytes bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=num_times bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE mode=s_axilite port=return bundle=control

unsigned int idx = 0;
L0: for (int i = 0; i < ntimes; ++i) {
    L1: for (int j = 0; j < num_512_bytes; ++j) {
        my_function(out_pkt, din, idx++);

Burst inferencing will fail because the memory accesses are being made from a called function. For the burst inferencing to work, it is recommended that users inline any such functions that are making accesses to the M-AXI memory.

An additional reason the burst inferencing will fail in this example is that the memory accessed through din in my_function, is defined by a variable (idx) which is not a function of the loop induction variables i and j, and therefore may not be sequential or monotonic. Instead of passing idx, use (i*num_512_bytes+j).

Pipelined Burst Inference on a Dataflow Loop

Burst inference is not supported on a loop that has the DATAFLOW pragma or directive. However, each process/task inside the dataflow loop can have bursts. Also, sharing of M-AXI ports is not supported inside a dataflow region because the tasks can execute in parallel.