The ap_none
specifies that no I/O protocol
be added to the port. When this is specified the argument is implemented as a data port with
no other associated signals. The ap_none
mode is the default
for scalar inputs.
The ap_none
port-level I/O protocol is
the simplest interface type and has no other signals associated with it. Neither the input
nor output data signals have associated control ports that indicate when data is read or
written. The only ports in the RTL design are those specified in the source code.
An ap_none
interface does not require
additional hardware overhead. However, the ap_none
does requires the following:
- Producer blocks to do one of the following:
- Provide data to the input port at the correct time
- Hold data for the length of a transaction until the design completes
- Consumer blocks to read output ports at the correct time
Note: The
interface cannot be used with array arguments.