The following table covers all features and functionality of the FFT IP. Features and functionality not described in this table are not supported in the Vitis HLS implementation.
Parameter | C Type | Default Value | Valid Values |
input_width | unsigned | 16 | 8-34 |
output_width | unsigned | 16 | input_width to (input_width + max_nfft + 1) |
status_width | unsigned | 8 | Depends on FFT configuration |
config_width | unsigned | 16 | Depends on FFT configuration |
max_nfft | unsigned | 10 | 3-16 |
has_nfft | bool | false | True, False |
channels | unsigned | 1 | 1-12 |
arch_opt | unsigned | pipelined_streaming_io | automatically_select pipelined_streaming_io radix_4_burst_io radix_2_burst_io radix_2_lite_burst_io |
phase_factor_width | unsigned | 16 | 8-34 |
ordering_opt | unsigned | bit_reversed_order | bit_reversed_order natural_order |
ovflo | bool | true | false true |
scaling_opt | unsigned | scaled | scaled unscaled block_floating_point |
rounding_opt | unsigned | truncation | truncation convergent_rounding |
mem_data | unsigned | block_ram | block_ram distributed_ram |
mem_phase_factors | unsigned | block_ram | block_ram distributed_ram |
mem_reorder | unsigned | block_ram | block_ram distributed_ram |
stages_block_ram | unsigned | (max_nfft < 10) ? 0 : (max_nfft - 9) |
0-11 |
mem_hybrid | bool | false | false true |
complex_mult_type | unsigned | use_mults_resources | use_luts use_mults_resources use_mults_performance |
butterfly_type | unsigned | use_luts | use_luts use_xtremedsp_slices |