Behavior Changes to Module Names and Module Prefix - 2021.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

In Vivado HLS, when config_rtl -module_auto_prefix was enabled the top RTL module would have its name prefixed with its own name. In 2020.1 Vitis HLS, this auto prefix will only be applied to sub-modules.

There is no change to the -module_prefix behavior. If this option is used, the specified prefix value will be prepended to all modules including the top module. The -module_prefix option also still takes precedence over -module_auto_prefix.

# vivado HLS 2020.1 generated module names (top module is "top")
# Vitis HLS 2020.1 generated module names
top.v             <-- top module no longer has prefix

Updated memory module name and RTL file name

The new naming of the module is appended with the type of memory as shown below.

Table 1. Module and RTL File Names
OLD Module and RTL File Names NEW Module and RTL File Names
ncp_encoder_func_parbits_memcore_ram ncp_encoder_func_parbits_RAM_1P_LUTRAM_1R1W