Event Logging IPI Command - 2021.2 English

Versal ACAP System Software Developers Guide (UG1304)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English
Table 1. Event Logging Command
Reserved[31:24]=0 Length[23:16]=4 PLM=1 CMD_EVENT_LOGGING=19
Sub Command
Argument 1
Argument 2
Argument 3

The PLM supports logging PLM Terminal Prints and Trace Events to separate buffers. This command configures the buffers for logging, and also retrieves buffer information.

Sub Command information is as follows:

Use this sub command to configure the log level of the PLM terminal during run time. This log level can be less than or equal to the log level set at compile time.
Argument 1
Log Level. This argument can be one or a combination of the following entities:
Unconditional messages (DEBUG_PRINT_ALWAYS)
General debug messages (DEBUG_GENERAL)
More debug information (DEBUG_INFO)
Detailed debug information (DEBUG_DETAILED)
Use this sub command to configure the debug log buffer memory. By default this memory is configured to PMC RAM. You can change this memory as per your need.
Argument 1
High Address where PLM terminal prints are logged
Argument 2
Low Address where PLM terminal prints are logged
Argument 3
Length of Debug log buffer
Use this sub command is to copy the logged PLM prints from the Debug log buffer to where you need them.
Argument 1
High Address to which the log buffer data is copied
Argument 2
Low Address to which the log buffer data is copied
Use this sub command to retrieve the debug log buffer memory details where the PLM prints are logged. The response is as follows:
Payload 0
Command status
Payload 1
Debug log buffer High Address where the logging occurs
Payload 2
Debug log buffer Low Address where the logging occurs
Payload 3
Debug log buffer offset till where the logging occurs
Payload 4
Debug log buffer length
Payload 5
Indicates whether the debug log buffer is full
Use this sub command to configure the trace log buffer memory. By default, this memory is configured to PMC RAM. You can change this memory based on your need.
Argument 1
High Address where Trace events are logged
Argument 2
Low Address where Trace events are logged. Length of the Trace log buffer
Use this sub command to copy the logged trace events from the Trace log buffer to where you want them to be.
Argument 1
High Address to which you want to copy the trace log buffer data
Argument 2
Low Address to which you want to copy the trace log buffer data
Use this sub command is to retrieve the details of the trace log buffer memory where the trace events are logged. The response is as follows.
Payload 0
Command status
Payload 1
Trace log buffer High Address where the logging occurs
Payload 2
Trace log buffer Low Address where the logging occurs
Payload 3
Trace log buffer offset till where the logging occurred
Payload 4
Trace log buffer length
Payload 5
Indicates whether the trace log buffer is full