Primitive: Asymmetric LUTRAM
- Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+
This design element is a 32-Deep Asymmetric LUTRAM. The write size (32*14) is twice the read size (64*7) and fits into a single slice.
Port Descriptions
Port | Direction | Width | Function |
ADDRA<5:0> | Input | 6 | Read port A address input. |
ADDRB<5:0> | Input | 6 | Read port B address input. |
ADDRC<5:0> | Input | 6 | Read port C address input. |
ADDRD<5:0> | Input | 6 | Read port D address input. |
ADDRE<5:0> | Input | 6 | Read port E address input. |
ADDRF<5:0> | Input | 6 | Read port F address input. |
ADDRG<5:0> | Input | 6 | Read port G address input. |
ADDRH<4:0> | Input | 5 | Read/write port H address input. |
DIA<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRA. |
DIB<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRB. |
DIC<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRC. |
DID<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRD. |
DIE<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRE. |
DIF<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRF. |
DIG<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRG. |
DIH<1:0> | Input | 2 | RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRH. |
DOA | Output | 1 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRA. |
DOB | Output | 1 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRB. |
DOC | Output | 1 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRC. |
DOD | Output | 1 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRD. |
DOE | Output | 1 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRE. |
DOF | Output | 1 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRF. |
DOG | Output | 1 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRG. |
DOH<1:0> | Output | 2 | Read port data outputs addressed by ADDRH. |
WCLK | Input | 1 | Write clock. |
WE | Input | 1 | Write Enable. |
Design Entry Method
Instantiation | Yes |
Inference | No |
IP and IP Integrator Catalog | No |
Available Attributes
Attribute | Type | Allowed Values | Default | Description |
IS_WCLK_INVERTED | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies whether or not to use the optional inversion on the WCLK pin. |
VHDL Instantiation Template
Unless they already exist, copy the following
two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- RAM32X16DR8: Asymmetric LUTRAM
-- UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.1
RAM32X16DR8_inst : RAM32X16DR8
generic map (
IS_WCLK_INVERTED => '0' -- Specifies active high/low WCLK
port map (
DOA => DOA, -- 1-bit output: Read port A 1-bit output
DOB => DOB, -- 1-bit output: Read port B 1-bit output
DOC => DOC, -- 1-bit output: Read port C 1-bit output
DOD => DOD, -- 1-bit output: Read port D 1-bit output
DOE => DOE, -- 1-bit output: Read port E 1-bit output
DOF => DOF, -- 1-bit output: Read port F 1-bit output
DOG => DOG, -- 1-bit output: Read port G 1-bit output
DOH => DOH, -- 2-bit output: Read port H 1-bit output
ADDRA => ADDRA, -- 6-bit input: Read port A 6-bit address input
ADDRB => ADDRB, -- 6-bit input: Read port B 6-bit address input
ADDRC => ADDRC, -- 6-bit input: Read port C 6-bit address input
ADDRD => ADDRD, -- 6-bit input: Read port D 6-bit address input
ADDRE => ADDRE, -- 6-bit input: Read port E 6-bit address input
ADDRF => ADDRF, -- 6-bit input: Read port F 6-bit address input
ADDRG => ADDRG, -- 6-bit input: Read port G 6-bit address input
ADDRH => ADDRH, -- 5-bit input: Read/write port H 5-bit address input
DIA => DIA, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRA.
DIB => DIB, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRB.
DIC => DIC, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRC.
DID => DID, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRD.
DIE => DIE, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRE.
DIF => DIF, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRF.
DIG => DIG, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRG.
DIH => DIH, -- 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRH.
WCLK => WCLK, -- 1-bit input: Write clock input
WE => WE -- 1-bit input: Write enable input
-- End of RAM32X16DR8_inst instantiation
Verilog Instantiation Template
// RAM32X16DR8: Asymmetric LUTRAM
// UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.1
RAM32X16DR8 #(
.IS_WCLK_INVERTED(1'b0) // Specifies active high/low WCLK
RAM32X16DR8_inst (
.DOA(DOA), // 1-bit output: Read port A 1-bit output
.DOB(DOB), // 1-bit output: Read port B 1-bit output
.DOC(DOC), // 1-bit output: Read port C 1-bit output
.DOD(DOD), // 1-bit output: Read port D 1-bit output
.DOE(DOE), // 1-bit output: Read port E 1-bit output
.DOF(DOF), // 1-bit output: Read port F 1-bit output
.DOG(DOG), // 1-bit output: Read port G 1-bit output
.DOH(DOH), // 2-bit output: Read port H 1-bit output
.ADDRA(ADDRA), // 6-bit input: Read port A 6-bit address input
.ADDRB(ADDRB), // 6-bit input: Read port B 6-bit address input
.ADDRC(ADDRC), // 6-bit input: Read port C 6-bit address input
.ADDRD(ADDRD), // 6-bit input: Read port D 6-bit address input
.ADDRE(ADDRE), // 6-bit input: Read port E 6-bit address input
.ADDRF(ADDRF), // 6-bit input: Read port F 6-bit address input
.ADDRG(ADDRG), // 6-bit input: Read port G 6-bit address input
.ADDRH(ADDRH), // 5-bit input: Read/write port H 5-bit address input
.DIA(DIA), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRA.
.DIB(DIB), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRB.
.DIC(DIC), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRC.
.DID(DID), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRD.
.DIE(DIE), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRE.
.DIF(DIF), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRF.
.DIG(DIG), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRG.
.DIH(DIH), // 2-bit input: RAM 2-bit data write input addressed by ADDRH, read addressed by ADDRH.
.WCLK(WCLK), // 1-bit input: Write clock input
.WE(WE) // 1-bit input: Write enable input
// End of RAM32X16DR8_inst instantiation