Primitive: JTAG Port Access
- Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+
This component is only intended for advanced secure applications, such as any combination of AES key programming (BBRAM or EFUSE), USER EFUSE programming during runtime, and where external JTAG access is prohibited. This component is not recommended when external JTAG port access is needed (that is, Vivado Device Programmer/ILA programming or debug tools) because the component is used to override the external JTAG pins of the device, allowing full access to the JTAG port from within the device. Once instantiated, the external JTAG port is completely disabled.
Port Descriptions
Port | Direction | Width | Function |
TCK | Input | 1 | JTAG TCK input pin. |
TDI | Input | 1 | JTAG TDI input pin. |
TDO | Output | 1 | JTAG TDO output pin. |
TMS | Input | 1 | JTAG TMS input pin. |
Design Entry Method
Instantiation | Recommended |
Inference | No |
IP and IP Integrator Catalog | No |
VHDL Instantiation Template
Unless they already exist, copy the following
two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- MASTER_JTAG: JTAG Port Access
-- UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.1
port map (
TDO => TDO, -- 1-bit output: JTAG TDO output pin.
TCK => TCK, -- 1-bit input: JTAG TCK input pin.
TDI => TDI, -- 1-bit input: JTAG TDI input pin.
TMS => TMS -- 1-bit input: JTAG TMS input pin.
-- End of MASTER_JTAG_inst instantiation
Verilog Instantiation Template
// MASTER_JTAG: JTAG Port Access
// UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.1
.TDO(TDO), // 1-bit output: JTAG TDO output pin.
.TCK(TCK), // 1-bit input: JTAG TCK input pin.
.TDI(TDI), // 1-bit input: JTAG TDI input pin.
.TMS(TMS) // 1-bit input: JTAG TMS input pin.
// End of MASTER_JTAG_inst instantiation
Related Information
- See the UltraScale Architecture Configuration User Guide (UG570).