BITSLICE_CONTROL - 2021.1 English - UG974

UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide (UG974)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Primitive: BITSLICE_CONTROL for control using Native Mode

  • Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+


In native mode, the BITSLICE_CONTROL controls the clocking and characteristics of the six or seven bitslices within a nibble.

Port Descriptions

Port Direction Width Function
CLK_FROM_EXT Input 1 Inter-byte clock coming from north or south BITSLICE_CONTROL.
CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH Output 1 Inter-byte clock going to north BITSLICE_CONTROL.
CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH Output 1 Inter-byte clock going to south BITSLICE_CONTROL.
DLY_RDY Output 1 Fixed delay calibration complete.
DYN_DCI<6:0> Output 7 Direct control of IOB DCI when using a memory interface.
EN_VTC Input 1 Enables voltage and temperature compensation when High.
NCLK_NIBBLE_IN Input 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes from other/clock control block.
NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT Output 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control block.
PCLK_NIBBLE_IN Input 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock from other control block.
PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT Output 1 Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control block.
PHY_RDCS0<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PHY_RDCS1<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PHY_RDEN<3:0> Input 4 Read burst enable when using a memory interface.
PHY_WRCS0<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PHY_WRCS1<3:0> Input 4 Rank select. Selects one of four ranks when using a memory interface.
PLL_CLK Input 1 PLL clock input.
REFCLK Input 1 Frequency reference clock for delay control.
RIU_ADDR<5:0> Input 6 Address input for RIU.
RIU_CLK Input 1 System clock from fabric for RIU access.
RIU_NIBBLE_SEL Input 1 Nibble select to enable RIU read/write.
RIU_RD_DATA<15:0> Output 16 RIU Output Read data to the controller.
RIU_VALID Output 1 Indicates that last data written has been accepted when High.
RIU_WR_DATA<15:0> Input 16 RIU Input Write data from the controller.
RIU_WR_EN Input 1 Enables write to RIU when High.
RST Input 1 Asynchronous global reset.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 0.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 1.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 2.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 3.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 4.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 5.
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 6.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 0.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 1.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 2.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 3.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 4.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 5.
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 6.
TBYTE_IN<3:0> Input 4 Output enable for 3-state control and WClkgen when using a memory interface.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 0.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 1.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 2.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 3.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 4.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 5.
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6<39:0> Input 40 Input control and data bus from Bitslice 6.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 0.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 1.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 2.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 3.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 4.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 5.
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6<39:0> Output 40 Output control and data bus to Bitslice 6.
VTC_RDY Output 1 PHY calibration is complete, VTC is enabled after EN_VTC is enabled.

Design Entry Method

Instantiation Yes
Inference No
IP and IP Integrator Catalog Yes

Available Attributes

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
DIV_MODE STRING "DIV2", "DIV4" "DIV2" Select between controller DIV2 or DIV4 mode.
EN_CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH STRING "DISABLE", "ENABLE" "DISABLE" Enable clock forwarding to north for inter-byte clocking.
EN_CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH STRING "DISABLE", "ENABLE" "DISABLE" Enable clock forwarding to south for inter-byte clocking.
EN_DYN_ODLY_MODE STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Enables dynamic output delay mode when TRUE.
  • "TRUE": Select the NCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble.
  • "FALSE": Other BITSLICE_CONTROL NCLK is not used.
  • "TRUE": Select the PCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble.
  • "FALSE": Other BITSLICE_CONTROL PCLK is not used.
IDLY_VT_TRACK STRING "TRUE", "FALSE" "TRUE" Globally enable VT tracking for input delays associated with the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
INV_RXCLK STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Invert clock path from IOB to upper RX bitslice.
ODLY_VT_TRACK STRING "TRUE", "FALSE" "TRUE" Globally enable VT tracking for output delays associated with the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
QDLY_VT_TRACK STRING "TRUE", "FALSE" "TRUE" Globally enable VT tracking for clock delays associated with the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
READ_IDLE_COUNT HEX 6'h00 to 6'h3f 6'h00 Gap count between read bursts for ODT control counter
REFCLK_SRC STRING "PLLCLK", "REFCLK" "PLLCLK" Selects the PLLCLK or REFCLK as the input clock for the delay control. REFCLK is supported only for RX_BITSLICE.
ROUNDING_FACTOR DECIMAL 16, 2, 4, 8, 32, 64, 128 16 Rounding factor in BISC spec.
  • "SHIFT_0": No Shift.
  • "SHIFT_90": Shift Read CLK by 90 relative to read DQ during calibration.
  • "SHIFT_0": No Shift.
  • "SHIFT_90": Shift Read CLK by 90 relative to read DQ during calibration.
RXGATE_EXTEND STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Reserved for use by Memory IP. Do Not Change.
SELF_CALIBRATE STRING "ENABLE", "DISABLE" "ENABLE" Enable or Disable Built in Self Calibration of the nibble group controlled by the BITSLICE_CONTROL.
SERIAL_MODE STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Put BITSLICE read paths into serial mode. The input clock from the data receiver comes from an external source via a PLLE3. One example use is for SGMII.
SIM_DEVICE STRING "7SERIES", "ULTRASCALE" "ULTRASCALE" Set the device version for simulation functionality.

VHDL Instantiation Template

Unless they already exist, copy the following two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- BITSLICE_CONTROL: BITSLICE_CONTROL for control using Native Mode
--                   UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.1

generic map (
   DIV_MODE => "DIV2",               -- Controller DIV2/DIV4 mode (DIV2, DIV4)
   EN_CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH => "DISABLE", -- Enable clock forwarding to north
   EN_CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH => "DISABLE", -- Enable clock forwarding to south
   EN_DYN_ODLY_MODE => "FALSE",      -- Enable dynamic output delay mode
   EN_OTHER_NCLK => "FALSE",         -- Select the NCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble
                                     -- (FALSE, TRUE).
   EN_OTHER_PCLK => "FALSE",         -- Select the PCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble
                                     -- (FALSE, TRUE).
   IDLY_VT_TRACK => "TRUE",          -- Enable VT tracking for input delays
   INV_RXCLK => "FALSE",             -- Invert clock path from IOB to upper RX bitslice
   ODLY_VT_TRACK => "TRUE",          -- Enable VT tracking for output delays
   QDLY_VT_TRACK => "TRUE",          -- Enable VT tracking for clock delays
   READ_IDLE_COUNT => X"00",         -- Gap count between read bursts for ODT control counter (0-3f)
   REFCLK_SRC => "PLLCLK",           -- Select the input clock for delay control (PLLCLK, REFCLK). REFCLK is
                                     -- only supported for RX_BITSLICE.
   ROUNDING_FACTOR => 16,            -- Rounding factor in BISC spec (128-8)
   RXGATE_EXTEND => "FALSE",         -- Reserved for use by Memory IP. Do Not Change.
   RX_CLK_PHASE_N => "SHIFT_0",      -- Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                     -- SHIFT_90)
   RX_CLK_PHASE_P => "SHIFT_0",      -- Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                     -- SHIFT_90)
   RX_GATING => "DISABLE",           -- ENABLE/DISABLE read DQS gating
   SELF_CALIBRATE => "ENABLE",       -- Enable BISC of nibble controlled by BITSLICE_CONTROL
   SERIAL_MODE => "FALSE",           -- Put BITSLICE read paths into serial mode (FALSE, TRUE)
   SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE_PLUS",  -- Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
                                     -- ULTRASCALE_PLUS, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES1, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES2)
   TX_GATING => "DISABLE"            -- ENABLE/DISABLE clock gating in WClkgen
port map (
   CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH => CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH,       -- 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to north
                                               -- BITSLICE_CONTROL

   CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH => CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH,       -- 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to south
                                               -- BITSLICE_CONTROL

   DLY_RDY => DLY_RDY,                         -- 1-bit output: Fixed delay calibration complete
   DYN_DCI => DYN_DCI,                         -- 7-bit output: Direct control of IOB DCI when using a
                                               -- memory interface

   NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT => NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT,         -- 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other
                                               -- control block

   PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT => PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT,         -- 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other
                                               -- control block

   RIU_RD_DATA => RIU_RD_DATA,                 -- 16-bit output: RIU Output Read data to the controller
   RIU_VALID => RIU_VALID,                     -- 1-bit output: Last data written has been accepted when High
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6 => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6 => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6,       -- 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI, -- 40-bit output: Output bus to 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI
   VTC_RDY => VTC_RDY,                         -- 1-bit output: PHY calibration is complete
   CLK_FROM_EXT => CLK_FROM_EXT,               -- 1-bit input: Inter-byte clock coming from north or south
                                               -- BITSLICE_CONTROL

   EN_VTC => EN_VTC,                           -- 1-bit input: Enables voltage and temperature compensation
                                               -- when High

   NCLK_NIBBLE_IN => NCLK_NIBBLE_IN,           -- 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes from other/clock
                                               -- control block

   PCLK_NIBBLE_IN => PCLK_NIBBLE_IN,           -- 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock from other
                                               -- control block

   PHY_RDCS0 => PHY_RDCS0,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PHY_RDCS1 => PHY_RDCS1,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PHY_RDEN => PHY_RDEN,                       -- 4-bit input: Read burst enable when using a memory
                                               -- interface

   PHY_WRCS0 => PHY_WRCS0,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PHY_WRCS1 => PHY_WRCS1,                     -- 4-bit input: Rank select
   PLL_CLK => PLL_CLK,                         -- 1-bit input: PLL clock input
   REFCLK => REFCLK,                           -- 1-bit input: Frequency reference clock for delay control
   RIU_ADDR => RIU_ADDR,                       -- 6-bit input: Address input for RIU
   RIU_CLK => RIU_CLK,                         -- 1-bit input: System clock from fabric for RIU access
   RIU_NIBBLE_SEL => RIU_NIBBLE_SEL,           -- 1-bit input: Nibble select to enable RIU read/write
   RIU_WR_DATA => RIU_WR_DATA,                 -- 16-bit input: RIU Input Write data from the controller
   RIU_WR_EN => RIU_WR_EN,                     -- 1-bit input: Enables write to RIU when High
   RST => RST,                                 -- 1-bit input: Asynchronous global reset
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6 => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   TBYTE_IN => TBYTE_IN,                       -- 4-bit input: Output enable for 3-state control
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6 => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6,         -- 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI    -- 40-bit input: Input bus from 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI

-- End of BITSLICE_CONTROL_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// BITSLICE_CONTROL: BITSLICE_CONTROL for control using Native Mode
//                   UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.1

   .DIV_MODE("DIV2"),               // Controller DIV2/DIV4 mode (DIV2, DIV4)
   .EN_CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH("DISABLE"), // Enable clock forwarding to north
   .EN_CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH("DISABLE"), // Enable clock forwarding to south
   .EN_DYN_ODLY_MODE("FALSE"),      // Enable dynamic output delay mode
   .EN_OTHER_NCLK("FALSE"),         // Select the NCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble (FALSE,
                                    // TRUE).
   .EN_OTHER_PCLK("FALSE"),         // Select the PCLK from the other BITSLICE_CONTROL in the nibble (FALSE,
                                    // TRUE).
   .IDLY_VT_TRACK("TRUE"),          // Enable VT tracking for input delays
   .INV_RXCLK("FALSE"),             // Invert clock path from IOB to upper RX bitslice
   .ODLY_VT_TRACK("TRUE"),          // Enable VT tracking for output delays
   .QDLY_VT_TRACK("TRUE"),          // Enable VT tracking for clock delays
   .READ_IDLE_COUNT(6'h00),         // Gap count between read bursts for ODT control counter (0-3f)
   .REFCLK_SRC("PLLCLK"),           // Select the input clock for delay control (PLLCLK, REFCLK). REFCLK is
                                    // only supported for RX_BITSLICE.
   .ROUNDING_FACTOR(16),            // Rounding factor in BISC spec (128-8)
   .RXGATE_EXTEND("FALSE"),         // Reserved for use by Memory IP. Do Not Change.
   .RX_CLK_PHASE_N("SHIFT_0"),      // Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                    // SHIFT_90)
   .RX_CLK_PHASE_P("SHIFT_0"),      // Shift the Read CLK relative to read DQ during calibration (SHIFT_0,
                                    // SHIFT_90)
   .RX_GATING("DISABLE"),           // ENABLE/DISABLE read DQS gating
   .SELF_CALIBRATE("ENABLE"),       // Enable BISC of nibble controlled by BITSLICE_CONTROL
   .SERIAL_MODE("FALSE"),           // Put BITSLICE read paths into serial mode (FALSE, TRUE)
   .SIM_DEVICE("ULTRASCALE_PLUS"),  // Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
                                    // ULTRASCALE_PLUS, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES1, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES2)
   .TX_GATING("DISABLE")            // ENABLE/DISABLE clock gating in WClkgen
   .CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH(CLK_TO_EXT_NORTH),       // 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to north
                                              // BITSLICE_CONTROL

   .CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH(CLK_TO_EXT_SOUTH),       // 1-bit output: Inter-byte clock going to south
                                              // BITSLICE_CONTROL

   .DLY_RDY(DLY_RDY),                         // 1-bit output: Fixed delay calibration complete
   .DYN_DCI(DYN_DCI),                         // 7-bit output: Direct control of IOB DCI when using a memory
                                              // interface

   .NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT(NCLK_NIBBLE_OUT),         // 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control
                                              // block

   .PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT(PCLK_NIBBLE_OUT),         // 1-bit output: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock to other control
                                              // block

   .RIU_RD_DATA(RIU_RD_DATA),                 // 16-bit output: RIU Output Read data to the controller
   .RIU_VALID(RIU_VALID),                     // 1-bit output: Last data written has been accepted when High
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT0),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 0
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT1),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 1
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT2),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 2
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT3),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 3
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT4),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 4
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT5),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 5
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT6),       // 40-bit output: Output bus to Bitslice 6
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT_TRI), // 40-bit output: Output bus to 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI
   .VTC_RDY(VTC_RDY),                         // 1-bit output: PHY calibration is complete
   .CLK_FROM_EXT(CLK_FROM_EXT),               // 1-bit input: Inter-byte clock coming from north or south
                                              // BITSLICE_CONTROL

   .EN_VTC(EN_VTC),                           // 1-bit input: Enables voltage and temperature compensation
                                              // when High

   .NCLK_NIBBLE_IN(NCLK_NIBBLE_IN),           // 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes from other/clock
                                              // control block

   .PCLK_NIBBLE_IN(PCLK_NIBBLE_IN),           // 1-bit input: Intra-byte DQS strobes/clock from other
                                              // control block

   .PHY_RDCS0(PHY_RDCS0),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PHY_RDCS1(PHY_RDCS1),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PHY_RDEN(PHY_RDEN),                       // 4-bit input: Read burst enable when using a memory interface
   .PHY_WRCS0(PHY_WRCS0),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PHY_WRCS1(PHY_WRCS1),                     // 4-bit input: Rank select
   .PLL_CLK(PLL_CLK),                         // 1-bit input: PLL clock input
   .REFCLK(REFCLK),                           // 1-bit input: Frequency reference clock for delay control
   .RIU_ADDR(RIU_ADDR),                       // 6-bit input: Address input for RIU
   .RIU_CLK(RIU_CLK),                         // 1-bit input: System clock from fabric for RIU access
   .RIU_NIBBLE_SEL(RIU_NIBBLE_SEL),           // 1-bit input: Nibble select to enable RIU read/write
   .RIU_WR_DATA(RIU_WR_DATA),                 // 16-bit input: RIU Input Write data from the controller
   .RIU_WR_EN(RIU_WR_EN),                     // 1-bit input: Enables write to RIU when High
   .RST(RST),                                 // 1-bit input: Asynchronous global reset
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN0),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN1),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN2),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN3),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN4),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN5),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   .RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN6),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   .TBYTE_IN(TBYTE_IN),                       // 4-bit input: Output enable for 3-state control
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN0),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 0
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN1),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 1
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN2),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 2
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN3),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 3
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN4),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 4
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN5),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 5
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN6),         // 40-bit input: Input bus from Bitslice 6
   .TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN_TRI)    // 40-bit input: Input bus from 3-state TX_BITSLICE_TRI

// End of BITSLICE_CONTROL_inst instantiation

Related Information

  • See the UltraScale Architecture SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG571).