After you click OK to run the report command, a new window opens. You can now review its content. You can view the N-worst paths reported for each type of selected analysis (min/max/min_max
The following figure shows the Report Timing window in which both min and max analysis (SETUP and HOLD) were selected, and N=4.
Figure 1. Report Timing Paths List
Select any of these paths to view more details in the Path Properties window (Report tab).
Figure 2. Timing Path Properties Window
To view the same details in a new window, double click the path.
For more information on timing path details, see Performing Timing Analysis.
To access more analysis views for each path, right-click the path in the right pane and select one of the following actions:
- View the timing path Schematic.
- Rerun timing analysis on the same startpoint and endpoint of the selected path.
- Highlight the path in the Device and Schematic windows.