Incremental Compile Messages - 2021.1 English - UG904

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

The Vivado tools log file reports incremental placement and routing summary results from Incremental Compile.

Incremental Placement Summary

The following example of the Incremental Placement Summary includes a final assessment of cell placement reuse and run time statistics.

|Incremental Placement Summary                    |
| Type | Count | Percentage |
| Total instances | 33406 | 100.00 |
| Reused instances | 32390 | 96.96 |
| Non-reused instances | 1016 | 3.04 |
| New | 937 | 2.80 |
| Discarded illegal placement due to netlist changes | 16 | 0.05 |
| Discarded to improve timing | 63 | 0.19 |
|Incremental Placement Runtime Summary |
| Initialization time(elapsed secs) | 79.99 |
| Incremental Placer time(elapsed secs) | 31.19 |

Incremental Routing Summary

The Incremental Routing Summary displays reuse statistics for all nets in the design. The categories reported include:

Fully Reused
The entire routing for a net is reused from the reference design.
Partially Reused
Some of the routing for a net from the reference design is reused. Some segments are re-routed due to changed cells, changed cell placements, or both.
The net in the current design was not matched in the reference design.
|Incremental Routing Reuse Summary |
|Type | Count | Percentage |
|Fully reused nets | 30393| 96.73 |
|Partially reused nets | 0| 0.00 |
|Non-reused nets | 1028| 3.27 |