Defining Implementation Runs - 2021.1 English - UG904

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English
To define an implementation run:
  1. From the main menu, select Flow > Create Runs.

    Alternatively, in the Flow Navigator, select Create Implementation Runs from the Implementation popup menu. Or, in the Design Runs window, select Create Runs from the popup menu.

    The Create New Runs wizard opens.

  2. Select Implementation on the first page of the Create New Runs wizard, and click Next.
  3. The Configure Implementation Runs page appears, as shown in the following figure. Specify settings as described in the steps below the figure.

    1. In the Name column, enter a name for the run or accept the default name.
    2. Select a Synth Name to choose the synthesis run that will generate (or that has already generated) the synthesized netlist to be implemented. The default is the currently active synthesis run in the Design Runs window. For more information, see Implementation Categories, Strategy Descriptions, and Directive Mapping.
      Note: In the case of a netlist-driven project, the Create Run command does not require the name of the synthesis run.

      Alternatively, you can select a synthesized netlist that was imported into the project from a third-party synthesis tool. For more information, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901).

    3. Select a Constraints Set to apply during implementation. The optimization, placement, and routing are largely directed by the physical and timing constraints in the specified constraint set.

      For more information on constraint sets, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Constraints (UG903).

    4. Select a target Part.

      The default values for Constraints Set and Part are defined by the Project Settings when the Create New Runs command is executed.

      For more information on the Project Settings, see this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: System-Level Design Entry (UG895).

      Tip: To create runs with different constraint sets or target parts, use the Create New Runs command. To change these values on existing runs, select the run in the Design Runs window and edit the Run Properties.

      For more information, see .

    5. Select a Strategy.

      Strategies are a defined set of Vivado implementation feature options that control the implementation results. Vivado Design Suite includes a set of pre-defined strategies. You can also create your own implementation strategies.

      Select from among the strategies shown in Implementation Categories, Strategy Descriptions, and Directive Mapping. The strategies are broken into categories according to their purposes, with the category name as a prefix. The categories are shown in Implementation Categories, Strategy Descriptions, and Directive Mapping.

      For more information see Defining Implementation Strategies.

      Tip: The optimal strategy can change between designs and software releases.

      The purpose of using Performance strategies is to improve design performance at the expense of run time. You should always try to meet timing goals, using the Vivado implementation defaults first, before choosing a Performance strategy. This ensures that your design has sufficient margin for absorbing timing closure impact due to design changes. But if your design goals cannot be met, and if increased run time is acceptable, the Performance_Explore strategy is a good first choice. It covers all types design types.

      Important: Strategies containing the terms SLL or SLR are for use with SSI devices only.
      Tip: Before launching a run, you can change the settings for each step in the implementation process, overriding the default settings for the selected strategy. You can also save those new settings as a new strategy. For more information, see Changing Implementation Run Settings.
    6. Click More to define additional runs. By default, the next strategy in the sequence is automatically chosen. Specify names and strategies for the added runs.
    7. Use the Make Active check box to select the runs you wish to initiate.
    8. Click Next.
  4. The Launch Options page appears, as shown in the following figure. Specify options as described in the steps below the figure.

    Note: The Launch runs on remote hosts and Launch runs on Cluster options shown in the previous figure are Linux-only. They are not visible on Windows machines.
    1. Specify the Launch directory, the location at which implementation run data is created and stored.

      The default directory is located in the local project directory structure. Files for implementation runs are stored by default at: <project_name>/<project_name>.runs/<run_name>.

      Tip: Defining a directory location outside the project directory structure makes the project non-portable, because absolute paths are written into the project files.
    2. Use the radio buttons and drop-down options to specify settings appropriate to your project. Choose from the following:
      • Select the Launch runs on local host option if you want to launch the run on the local machine.
      • Use the Number of jobs drop-down menu to define the number of local processors to use when launching multiple runs simultaneously.
      • Select Launch runs on remote hosts (Linux only) if you want to use remote hosts to launch one or more jobs.
      • Use the Configure Hosts button to configure remote hosts. For more information, see Using Remote Hosts and Compute Clusters.
      • Select Launch runs on Cluster (Linux only) if you want to use a compute cluster command to launch one or more jobs. Use the drop down menu to select one of the natively supported Vivado Clusters (lsf, sge or slurm) or a User Define Cluster that has been added previously.
      • Select the Generate scripts only option if you want to export and create the run directory and run script but do not want the run script to launch at this time. The script can be run later outside the Vivado IDE tools.
      • Select Do not launch now if you want to save the new runs, but you do not want to launch or create run scripts at this time.
  5. Click Next to review the Create New Runs Summary.
  6. Click Finish to create the defined runs and execute the specified launch options.

New runs are added to the Design Runs window. See Using the Design Runs Window.