About This Guide - 2021.1 English - UG1504

Versal ACAP System and Solution Planning Methodology Guide (UG1504)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

This guide includes high-level information, design guidelines, and design decision trade-offs for the following topics:

System Design Types
Provides an overview of the different system design types and design flows supported for each Versal device series.
System Design Planning Methodology Flow
Describes the recommended methodology when planning your system design, including special considerations based on your system design type.
Power and Thermal Planning
Covers system design considerations related to power estimation, thermal design, power delivery, and decoupling.
System Debug Planning
Provides information on the Versal ACAP debug interfaces as well as high-level information on debugging the AI Engine and PS.
System Verification Planning
Provides high-level simulation recommendations for Versal ACAP.
System Validation Planning
Provides information on key areas of focus when planning for system validation based on your system design type.