New Features - 2021.1 English - UG1451

Xilinx Runtime (XRT) Release Notes (UG1451)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

This version of Xilinx® Runtime (XRT) includes the following new features.

  • Stable native XRT API, with C++ APIs for AI Engine graph control and execution, Software Emulation and tracing support.
  • XRT provides new helper APIs to help users to move from OpenCL API to XRT native API in $XILINX_XRT/include/CL/cl2xrt.hpp.
  • XRT New API—xrt::device.get_info() can extract device properties
Note: For detailed info about XRT API changes and experimental features, refer to the changelog.
Greatly improved next generation xbutil and xbmgmt utilities are now the default
  • When users execute the old command, the following message is displayed:
    The given legacy sub-command and/or option has been deprecated to be obsoleted in the next release.
    Further information regarding the legacy deprecated sub-commands and options along with their mappings to the next generation.
    sub-commands and options can be found on the Xilinx Runtime (XRT) documentation page:
    Please update your scripts and tools to use the next generation sub-commands and options.
  • xbutil can report power status
  • xbmgmt can support runtime clk scale and set up user power threshold to protect board and server.
  • sysfs, xbmgmt. and xbutil can report MAC address of Alveo board
KDS scheduler in xocl
Refactored to significantly improve the throughput across hundreds of processes exercising multiple compute units across multiple devices concurrently. For legacy shells, you might notice a small percentage of throughput degradation. To resolve this issue, see Xilinx Answer Record 76556.
XRT driver debug trace support
Through debugfs /sys/kernel/debug/xclmgmt/ and /sys/kernel/debug/xocl/.