command to migrate the NGC file to
EDIF format for importing. However,
recommends using native
IP rather than XST-generated NGC format files going
forward.You will also import IP cores into the project. There are four IP cores used in this design:
- Accumulator
- A legacy CORE Generator IP, with the associated NGC.
- Block Memory Generator
- An outdated version of native Vivado Design Suite IP with no output products generated.
- FIFO Generator
- Vivado 2020.2 version with all output products, including DCP.
- Clock Wizard
- Vivado 2020.2 version with no output products.
All of these IP, with the exception of the Accumulator IP, are native Vivado cores. They have already been customized, and have a Xilinx Core Instance (XCI) file.
In the case of the Accumulator IP, the imported file is a CORE Generator™ log file (.xco), which is a legacy IP.
import_ip -files {../Lab_3_4_sources/IP/Accumulator/Accumulator.xco \
../Lab_3_4_sources/IP/blk_mem/blk_mem_gen_v7_3_0.xci \
../Lab_3_4_sources/IP/clk_wiz/clk_wiz_0.xci \
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'Accumulator' is locked:
* IP definition 'Accumulator (11.0)' for IP 'Accumulator' has a newer major version in the IP Catalog.
Please select 'Report IP Status' from the 'Tools/Report' menu or run Tcl command 'report_ip_status' for more information.
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'blk_mem_gen_v7_3_0' is locked:
* IP definition 'Block Memory Generator (7.3)' for IP 'blk_mem_gen_v7_3_0' has a newer major version in the IP Catalog.
Please select 'Report IP Status' from the 'Tools/Report' menu or run Tcl command 'report_ip_status' for more information.
The issue with the Accumulator
is that the version in the design does
not match the latest version in the IP catalog. However, there is a netlist output
product (.ngc) so you can work with the version in the design, or
upgrade it to the latest version from the IP catalog.
The blk_mem_gen_v7_3_0 core is also not the latest version in the IP catalog. There are no output products to drive synthesis or simulation, so it will have to be upgraded to the latest version. You will upgrade this IP in a subsequent step. If no upgrade path is available, you must recreate the IP.
For the clk_wiz_0, no output products were found with the XCI customization (.xci) file, but the IP is the current version in the IP catalog. You will manually generate the output products for this IP in the next step.