The <component_modes> section describes the different modes in which a component can be used. The <component_modes> section can include one or more <component_mode> tags nested within. Each component mode includes details like associated interfaces, preferred IP, and enabling dependencies.
<component name="phy_onboard" display_name="Onboard PHY" type="chip"
sub_type="ethernet" major_group="Ethernet Configurations"
part_name="M88E1111_BAB1C000" vendor="Marvell" spec_url="">
<description>PHY on the board</description>
<parameter name="devicetree_vendor" value="marvell"/>
<component_mode name="mii" display_name="MII mode">
<description>To enable this mode jumpers need to be {J29_P1_P2 true}
{J30_P1_P2 true} {J64 false}</description>
<interface name="mii" order="0"/>
<interface name="mdio_io" order="1" optional="true"/>
<interface name="phy_reset_out" order="2" optional="true"/>
<preferred_ip vendor="" library="ip" name="axi_ethernet"
<component_mode name="gmii" display_name="GMII mode">
<description>To enable this mode jumpers need to be {J29_P1_P2 true}
{J30_P1_P2 true} {J64 false}</description>
<interface name="gmii"/>
<interface name="mdio_io"/>
<interface name="phy_reset_out" optional="true"/>
<preferred_ip vendor="" library="ip" name="axi_ethernet"
When one mode of the component is selected in the Board tab, all the interfaces listed in this mode are automatically added in IPI. Order for interface in a mode defines the order in which the interfaces should be connected. If no order is mentioned, interfaces will be added in IPI in the order mentioned in list.
For <interfaces> listed under a <component_mode>, the 'optional=' attribute helps in the filtering of IP when you connect the interface in the Board tab of Vivado IP integrator. The default value is "optional=false", meaning that the IP must have this interface listed for the mode being used. If “optional=true" the interface is not required for the specified mode. When “optional=true", any IP which has the required interfaces, but not the optional interfaces, will also be listed for use with the component mode being used.
<interface name="mii" order="0"/>
<interface name="mdio_io" order="1" optional="true"/>
<interface name="phy_reset_out" order="2" optional="true"/>
The <enablement_dependencies> list the jumper settings required to enable a specific <component_mode>. The information regarding the jumper settings to use on the board, based on selected component modes, is available in the Vivado Design Suite.
<jumper name="J29_P1_P2">true</jumper>
<jumper name="J30_P1_P2">true</jumper>
<jumper name="J64">false</jumper>