The Tcl checker procedure selects the design objects of interest to be checked. It then performs the necessary tests or evaluations of the design objects, and finally returns the results in the form of DRC violation objects that identify the objects associated with the specific error.
The following Tcl script defines the dataWidthCheck
Tcl checker procedure which checks the width of the WRITE_B
bus. This Tcl script file must be loaded into the
Vivado tools prior to running the report_drc
command. Refer to Loading and Running Tcl Scripts for more information on loading the Tcl
checker procedure.
# This is a simplistic check -- report BRAM cells with WRITE_WIDTH_B wider than 36.
proc dataWidthCheck {} {
# list to hold violations
set vios {}
# iterate through the objects to be checked
foreach bram [get_cells -hier -filter {PRIMITIVE_SUBGROUP == bram}] {
set bwidth [get_property WRITE_WIDTH_B $bram]
if { $bwidth > 36} {
# define the message to report when violations are found
set msg "On cell %ELG, WRITE_WIDTH_B is $bwidth"
set vio [ create_drc_violation -name {RAMW-1} -msg $msg $bram ]
lappend vios $vio
}; # End IF
}; # End FOR
if {[llength $vios] > 0} {
return -code error $vios
} else {
return {}
}; # End IF
} ; # End PROC
As you can see from the proc
definition, the dataWidthCheck
procedure accepts no arguments and can find everything it needs from the design. It creates an empty list variable, $vios
, to store the violation objects returned by the create_drc_violation
The dataWidthCheck procedure iterates through all of the BRAMs in the design, and performs an evaluation of the WRITE_WIDTH_B
property on each of those cells. If the WRITE_WIDTH_B
of the block RAM cell exceeds a width of 36, a DRC violation is created with a specific message, $msg
. The message contains a placeholder for the cell %ELG
and the width of the bus found, $bwidth
. In the dataWidthCheck
procedure, the create_drc_violation
command only returns one object, $bram
, that maps to the %ELG
placeholder defined in the message string. The create_drc_violation
command supports messaging placeholders for netlist objects, clock regions, device sites, and package I/O banks by using their respective keys %ELG
, %CRG
, %SIG
, and %PBG
must match the -msg
specification in the create_drc_check
command, or the expected substitution will not occur.A violation object is created using the create_drc_violation
each time the tested block RAM exceeds the allowable
width of the WRITE_WIDTH_B
property. The violation
object is given the same name as the associated DRC rule in the Vivado Design Suite. It includes the previously defined messaging string,
and identifies the specific object or objects that are involved in violation of the
rule. The standard object that the design rule violation can return includes cells,
ports, pins, nets, clock regions, device sites, and package I/O banks. The message
string from the violation can also pass other information, such as the value of a
specific property, in order to provide as much detail in the DRC report as needed.
If any violations are found, the dataWidthCheck
proc returns an error code to inform the report_drc
command of the results of that specific check:
return -code error $vios
In addition to the error code, the violation objects are returned with the $vios
variable, which stores a list of violation objects created by the procedure.