Adding a New Recipe to the Workspace Layer
To add a new recipe to the workspace layer, use the petalinux-devtool add
command. For $
petalinux-devtool add bbexample
This command fetches the
source from the specified URL and creates the recipe bbexample in the Devtool
Workspace directory.
Getting the Status of the Recipes in Your Workspace
Use the petalinux-devtool status
command to list the recipes
currently in your workspace. Information includes the paths to their respective
external source trees.
Modifying an Existing Recipe
Use the petalinux-devtool modify
command to begin modifying the
source of an existing recipe. This command extracts the source for a recipe to the
Devtool Workspace directory, checks out a branch for development, and applies the
patches, if any, from the recipe as commits on top.
Use the following command to modify the linux-xlnx recipe:
$ petalinux-devtool modify linux-xlnx
Building the Recipe
Use the petalinux-devtool build
command to build your recipe. This
command is equivalent to the bitbake -c populate_sysroot
You must supply the root name of the recipe (i.e., do not provide versions, paths,
or extensions), as shown:
$ petalinux-devtool build linux-xlnx
Building Your Image
Use the petalinux-devtool build-image
command to build an image
using the devtool flow. This will include the recipes which are the workspace
directory. When running this command you must specify the image name to be
$ petalinux-devtool build-image petalinux-image-minimal
Resetting the Recipe
Use the petalinux-devtool reset
command to remove the recipe and its
configurations from Devtool Workspace directory. This command does not add/append
changes in the Devtool Workspace to the any layers, you must need to update the
recipe append file before running the reset command.
$ petalinux-devtool reset linux-xlnx
in place of devtool in the