• In v2.0 (Rev. 2) (04/04/2018), there are APIs for both ap_done interrupts and ap_ready interrupts. The API function calls for the interrupt enable and disable have changed. An additional argument is needed to define a mask for which interrupt to enable/disable. The SetCallback function also has an additional argument to specify the interrupt source.
• In v2.0 (Rev. 2) (04/04/2018), the AXI MM interface always operates in conservative mode.
The HLS AXI master interface always checks the data buffer on W channel before it issues a write request. Only when the buffer has more than burst length data is AWVALID asserted. This can help solve deadlock in some systems but usually, the write latency will increase.
• In v2.0 (Rev. 2) (04/04/2018), pending AXI transactions can be flushed before reset.