General Settings - 2.4 English - PG278

Video Frame Buffer Read and Video Frame Buffer Write (PG278)

Document ID
Release Date
2.4 English

The following settings are generally applicable:

Component Name – The component name is used as the base name of output files generated for the module. Names must begin with a letter and must be composed from characters: a to z, 0 to 9 and "_".

Samples Per Clock – Specifies the number of pixels processed per clock cycle. Permitted values are one, two, four, and eight samples per clock. This parameter determines the IP throughput. The more samples per clock, the larger throughput it provides. The larger throughput always needs more hardware resources.

Maximum Number of Columns – Specifies maximum active video columns/pixels the IP core could produce at run time. Any video width that is less than the Maximum Number of Columns can be programmed through AXI4-Lite control interface without regenerating the core.

Maximum Number of Rows – Specifies maximum active video rows/lines the IP core could produce at run time. Any video height that is less than Maximum Number of Rows can be programmed through the AXI4-Lite control interface without regenerating the core.

Maximum Data Width : Specifies the bit width of input and output samples on all the streaming interfaces. Permitted values are 8 and 10 bits. This parameter should match the Video Component Width of the video IP core connected to the AXI-Stream video interface.

Address Width : Specifies the address width of the AXI master interfaces for the memory interface, either 32 or 64 bits.

Interlaced Support : Select for support of interlaced video (in addition to progressive video).

Video Formats : Select the memory video formats to be supported. The video format can be programmed through the AXI4-Lite control interface. Details on each video format can be found in Memory Mapped AXI4 Interface .

Three video formats support per pixel alpha: RGBA8, BGRA8, and YUVA8. These video formats are only available with the Video Frame Buffer Read IP.

Both packed and semi-planar formats are offered. If only packed formats are selected, the IP will be smaller in size because there is only one plane. The following formats are packed and only need one plane:









° RGBX10

° YUVX10

° RGB8

° BGR8

° YUV8

° Y8

° Y10

The following formats are semi-planar and require two planes:

° Y_UV8

° Y_UV8_420

° Y_UV10

° Y_UV10_410

The following formats are 3 planar and require three planes:

° Y_U_V8

° Y_U_V10