VAI Trace Usage - 2.0 English - UG1414

Vitis AI User Guide (UG1414)

Document ID
Release Date
2.0 English

Command Line Usage

# vaitrace --help
usage: vaitrace [-h] [-c [CONFIG]] [-d] [-o [TRACESAVETO]] [-t [TIMEOUT]] [-v]
                [-b] [-p] [--va] [--xat] [--txt_summary] [--fine_grained]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -c [CONFIG]       Specify the config file
  -d                Enable debug
  -o [TRACESAVETO]  Save report to, only avaliable for txt summary mode
  -t [TIMEOUT]      Tracing time limitation
  -v                Show version
  -b                Bypass vaitrace, just run command
  -p                Trace python application
  --va              Generate trace data for Vitis Analyzer
  --xat             Save raw data, for debug usage
  --txt_summary     Display txt summary
  --fine_grained    Fine grained mode

Following are some important and frequently-used arguments:

cmd is your executable program ofVitis AI that to be traced, including program name and arguments
Controlling the tracing time (in seconds) starting from the [cmd] being launched, the default value is 30. In other words, if no -t is specified for vaitrace, the tracing will stop after [cmd] running for 30 seconds. The [cmd] will continue to run as normal, but it will stop collecting tracing data.

You can start a tracing with more custom options by writing these options on a JSON configuration file and specify the configuration by -c. Details of configuration file will be explained in the next section.

Location of the report. This is only available for the text summary mode. By default, the test summary will output to STDOUT.
Generate trace data for Vitis Analyzer, enabled by default, cannot work together with --txt_summary
--txt_summary or --txt
Output text summary. vaitrace does not generate a report for the Vitis Analyzer in this mode, cannot work together with --va.
Start trace in the fine grained mode. This mode generates a mass of trace data and the trace time is limited to 10 seconds.

Others arguments are used for debugging.