Register Spaces - 1.6 English - PG314

Versal Devices Integrated 100G Multirate Ethernet MAC Subsystem Product Guide (PG314)

Document ID
Release Date
1.6 English

All the control and status registers are memory mapped. After power-up or reset, you can reconfigure the core parameters from their defaults at any time. Access type details are given in Table-4. Table-5 has the register map details

Table 1. Register Access Type Definitions
Access Type Description


Read Only

Readable register; write has no effect



Readable and writable register


Read Write ‘1’ to trigger

Write ‘1’ to trigger. Write ‘0’ is ignored. Read returns ‘0’.


Read, write ‘1’s to Clear

Writing a ‘1’ clears the corresponding bit position in the register to ‘0’; Writing a ‘0’ leaves the corresponding bit unchanged.

For example, it can be used to acknowledge interrupt status.


Write Only

Writable register, the value is not readable (returns ‘0’)

Table 2. Register Map
Offset Register Name Access Description
0x0000 TOD_CONFIG RW Main Configuration
[0] – Enable System Timer:
  • A ‘0’ to this bitfield disables the system timer IP.
[1] – Enable External ToD Bus:
  • Write ‘1’ to enable the ToD Bus signals. The Overwrite Mode field further defines how signaling is used. This is present only when the core is generated with External ToD Bus I/F support.
[3:2] – Overwrite Mode:
System Timer counter is not overwritten at 1-PPS event from External ToD Bus.
System Timer counter is overwritten with the External ToD Bus seconds input at 1-PPS event from External ToD Bus.
System Timer counter is overwritten with value stored in the SW TOD_SW_SEC_0/1 register at 1-PPS event from the External ToD Bus.

The above modes are only present when the core is generated with Ext ToD Bus interface support.

[4] – Enable Sys_timer auto-refresh. Write a ‘1’ to enable the System Timer block to automatically refresh the port-timers with the latest ToD and CTIME (if enabled) values

[5] – Enable timer snapshot on external 1PPS

[15:6] – Reserved

[16:31] – Enable Port TX and RX Timers
  • [16] = Enable Port-0 TX and RX
  • [17] = Enable Port-1 TX and RX
  • …….
  • [31] = Enable Port-15 TX and RX

The upper limit for port number depends on the number of ports enabled at the time of generating core.

[31:20] - Reserved

0x0004 TOD_SNAPSHOT RW1T [0] – Snapshot all timers

Writing 1’b1 will snapshot all Counters (System, External ToD Bus, and all enabled ports)

[31:1] - Reserved

0x0008 TOD_INTR_ENABLE RW Interrupt enable register

[0] - 1-PPS interrupt (Master RTC sec field)

[15:1] – Reserved

[16] - 1-PPS interrupt (External 1pps input)

[31:1] - Reserved

0x000C TOD_INTR_STATUS RW1C Interrupt clear register

[0] - 1-PPS interrupt (Master RTC sec field)

[15:1] – Reserved

[16] - 1-PPS interrupt (External 1pps input)

[31:1] - Reserved

0x0010 TOD_SW_SEC_0 RW [31:0] - Overwrite Master Timer’s Second field bits [31:0]
0x0014 TOD_SW_SEC_1 RW

[15:0] - Overwrite Master Timer’s Second field bits [47:32]

[31:16] - Reserved

0x0018 TOD_SW_NS RW

[29:0] - Overwrite Master Timer’s Second field bits

[31:30] - Reserved


[0] - Write ‘1’ initiates a load of the System Timer’s ToD values from the TOD_SW_SEC_0/1, TOD_SW_NS, and TOD_SW_CTIME_0/1 registers.

[1] - Write ‘1’ initiates a load of the System Timer’s ToD Offset value from the TOD_SEC_SYS_OFFSET_0/1, and TOD_NS_SYS_OFFSET_0 registers.

Note: Offset is added by logic prior to the System Timer’s output to the Port Timers. As such, the offset is not reflected by System Timer ToD read backs.

[31:0] - Reserved

0x0020 TOD_SW_CTIME_0 RW [31:0] - Overwrite Master Timer’s CF field bits [31:0]
0x0024 TOD_SW_CTIME_1 RW [30:0] - Overwrite Master Timer’s Second field bits [63:32]

[31] - Reserved


{TOD_SEC_SYS_OFFSET_1[15:0], TOD_SEC_SYS_OFFSET_0[31:0]} - Represents System timer 48b seconds field signed offset value.

TOD_NS_SYS_OFFSET_0[29:0] - Represents System timer 30b nano second field signed offset value.

Signed bit interpreted as follows for TOD_SEC_SYS_OFFSET:
  • If [47] = 1’b1 then subtract from the system timer
  • If [47] = 1’b0 then add to the system timer

Need to apply trigger bit [1] at register 0x001C


System Timer TS clock period expressed in 2-48 ns

For example, 3.2 ns is represented as:
  • TOD_SYS_PERIOD_0[31:0] = 0x3333_3333
  • TOD_SYS_PERIOD_1[23:0] = 0x0003_3333
  • TOD_SYS_PERIOD_1[31:24] reserved

A write to the TOD_SYS_PERIOD_1 register will ‘commit’ the updated period value to System timer.

0x0100 TOD_SYS_SEC_0 RO [31:0] - Snapshot of System Timer’s Second Field [31:0]
0x0104 TOD_SYS_SEC_1 RO

[15:0] - Snapshot of System Timer’s Second Field [47:32]

[31:16] - Reserved

0x0108 TOD_SYS_NS RO [29:0] - Snapshot of System Timer’s Nanosecond Field [29:0]

[31:30] - Reserved


[31:0] - Signed offset to be applied to seconds value loaded from the External ToD bus, and to be added to 0 nanoseconds field when a 1PPS event occurs on the External ToD bus.

The signed value is expressed in 2-16 ns.

This is present only when the core is generated with Ext ToD Bus support

0x0110 TOD_SYS_CTIME_0 RO [31:0] - Snapshot of System Timer’s CF Field [31:0]
0x0114 TOD_SYS_CTIME_1 RO [30:0] - Snapshot of System Timer’s CF Field [63:32]

[31] - Reserved

0x0120 TODBUS_SEC_0 RO Current value of the Ext ToD Bus’s Second Field [31:0]
0x0124 TODBUS_SEC_1 RO [15:0] - Current value of the Ext ToD Bus’s Second Field [47:32]

[31:16] - Reserved

0x012C TODBUS_SYS_DIFF RO [31:0] - Once a second comparison of External ToD bus captured value and System Timer’s internal ToD value in signed unit of 2-16 ns.

Port Timer Registers: This register set is replicated for every Port Timer present (0 to 15) at the offsets listed below for Ports 1 to 15.

Port 0 Registers: 0x0200 to 0x027F
0x0200 TX0_CTIME_0 RO [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s CF Field [31:0]
0x0204 TX0_CTIME_1 RO

[30:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s CF Field [63:32]

[31] - Reserved

0x0208 TX0_PERIOD_0 RW

Port0 TX clock period expressed in 2-48 ns

For example, 3.2 ns is represented as:
  • TX0_PERIOD_0[31:0] = 0x3333_3333
  • TX0_PERIOD_1[23:0] = 0x0003_3333
  • TX0_PERIOD_1[31:24] reserved

A write to the TX0_PERIOD_1 register will ‘commit’ the updated period value to Port timer.

0x020C TX0_PERIOD_1 RW
0x0210 TX0_SYS_OFFSET RW [31:0] - Signed offset applied to Port0 TX Timer’s ToD output expressed in 2-16 ns.
0x0214 TX0_NS_SNAP RO [29:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s Nanosecond Field [29:0]

[31:30] - Reserved

0x0218 TX0_SEC_0_SNAP RO [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s Second Field [31:0]
0x021C TX0_SEC_1_SNAP RO

[15:0] - Snapshot of Port0 TX Timer’s Second Field [47:32]

[31:16] – Reserved

0x0220 RX0_CTIME_0 RO [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s CF Field [31:0]
0x0224 RX0_CTIME_1 RO [30:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s CF Field [63:32]

[31] – Reserved

0x0228 RX0_PERIOD_0 RW

Port0 RX clock period expressed in 2-48 ns

For example, 3.2 ns is represented as:
  • RX0_PERIOD_0[31:0] = 0x3333_3333
  • RX0_PERIOD_1[23:0] = 0x0003_3333
  • RX0_PERIOD_1[31:24] reserved

A write to RX0_PERIOD_1 register will ‘commit’ the updated period value to Port timer.

0x022C RX0_PERIOD_1 RW
0x0230 RX0_SYS_OFFSET RW [31:0] - Signed offset applied to Port0 RX Timer’s ToD output expressed in 2-16 ns.
0x0234 RX0_NS_SNAP RO [29:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s Nanosecond Field [29:0]

[31:30] – Reserved

0x0238 RX0_SEC_0_SNAP RO [31:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s Second Field [31:0]
0x023C RX0_SEC_1_SNAP RO [15:0] - Snapshot of Port0 RX Timer’s Second Field [47:32]

[31:16] – Reserved

0x0240 CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 0 RO Port0 TX clock period configured in core, expressed in 2-48 ns
For example, 3.2 ns is represented as:
  • CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 0 = 0x3333_3333
  • CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 1 = 0x0003_3333
  • CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 1[31:24] reserved
0x0244 CORE_TX0_PERIOD_ 1 RO
0x0248 CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 0 RO Port0 RX clock period configured in core, expressed in 2-48 ns
For example, 3.2 ns is represented as:
  • CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 0 = 0x3333_3333
  • CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 1 = 0x0003_3333
  • CORE_RX0_PERIOD_ 1[31:24] reserved

PORT0_SEC_SYS_OFFSET_1[15:0], PORT0_SEC_SYS_OFFSET_0[31:0]} - Represents the System timer 48b seconds field signed offset value.

PORT0_NS_SYS_OFFSET_0[29:0] - Represents the System timer 30b nanosecond field signed offset value.

Signed bit interpreted as follows for PORT0_SEC_SYS_OFFSET:
  • If [47] = 1’b1 then subtract from system timer
  • If [47] = 1’b0 then add to system timer

These registers are used to apply a large port-specific offset.

A write to PORT0_NS_SYS_OFFSET_0 is required to trigger the application of the port’s offset.

Port 1 Registers: 0x0280 to 0x02FF ( Port # x 0x0280 )
Port 2 Registers: 0x0300 to 0x037F
Port 3 Registers: 0x0380 to 0x03FF
Port 4 Registers: 0x0400 to 0x047F
Port 5 Registers: 0x0480 to 0x04FF
Port 6 Registers: 0x0500 to 0x057F
Port 7 Registers: 0x0580 to 0x05FF
Port 8 Registers: 0x0600 to 0x067F
Port 9 Registers: 0x0680 to 0x06FF
Port 10 Registers: 0x0700 to 0x077F
Port 11 Registers: 0x0780 to 0x07FF
Port 12 Registers: 0x0800 to 0x087F
Port 13 Registers: 0x0880 to 0x08FF
Port 14 Registers: 0x0900 to 0x097F
Port 15 Registers: 0x0980 to 0x09FF