The following table lists the supported operations and APIs for vai_q_tensorflow.
Type | Operation Type | tf.nn | tf.layers | tf.keras.layers |
Convolution | Conv2D DepthwiseConv2dNative |
atrous_conv2d conv2d conv2d_transpose depthwise_conv2d_native separable_conv2d |
Conv2D Conv2DTranspose SeparableConv2D
Conv2D Conv2DTranspose DepthwiseConv2D SeparaleConv2D |
Fully Connected | MatMul | / | Dense | Dense |
BiasAdd | BiasAdd Add |
bias_add | / | / |
Pooling | AvgPool Mean MaxPool |
avg_pool max_pool |
AveragePooling2D MaxPooling2D |
AveragePooling2D MaxPool2D |
Activation | ReLU ReLU6 Sigmoid Swish Hard-sigmoid Hard-swish |
relu relu6 leaky_relu swish |
/ | ReLU Leaky ReLU |
BatchNorm[#1] | FusedBatchNorm | batch_normalization batch_norm_with_global_normalization fused_batch_norm |
BatchNormalization | BatchNormalization |
Upsampling | ResizeBilinear ResizeNearestNeighbor |
/ | / | UpSampling2D |
Concat | Concat ConcatV2 |
/ | / | Concatenate |
Others | Placeholder Const Pad Squeeze Reshape ExpandDims |
dropout[#2] softmax[#3] |
Dropout[#2] Flatten |
Input Flatten Reshape Zeropadding2D Softmax |